Sleep Before and After Retirement - PubMed
Sleep Before and After Retirement
Saana Myllyntausta et al. Curr Sleep Med Rep. 2018.
Purpose of review: In this review, we focus on the association of sleep and retirement from two perspectives. Firstly, we examine the role of sleep during the working years on retirement timing. Secondly, we examine how sleep changes during the transition to retirement.
Recent findings: Persons with sleep difficulties are more likely to retire due to health problems, such as depression and musculoskeletal disorders. Retirement, on the other hand, is associated with both increased sleep duration and decreased sleep difficulties, mainly premature awakenings and nonrestorative sleep.
Summary: Promotion of sleep quantity and quality could be a potential way to support employees' work ability and possibly even to postpone retirement, at least in relation to early retirement. Possible proposed mechanisms for the improved sleep after retirement include removal of work stress and increased flexibility in time use, which could be targeted in attempt to promote adequate and good quality of sleep already during the working years.
Keywords: Aging; Disability retirement; Insomnia; Retirement; Sleep duration; Sleep quality; Statutory retirement.
Conflict of interest statement
Saana Myllyntausta reports grants from Juho Vainio Foundation, Finnish Work Environment Fund, and Yrjo Jahnsson Foundation. Sari Stenholm reports grants from Academy of Finland and Finnish Work Environment Fund.This article does not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any of the authors.
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