[The urokinase-type plasminogen activator system and its role in tumor progression] - PubMed


. 2018 Nov;64(6):472-486.

doi: 10.18097/PBMC20186406472.

[Article in Russian]



[The urokinase-type plasminogen activator system and its role in tumor progression]

[Article in Russian]

E V Kugaevskaya et al. Biomed Khim. 2018 Nov.


In the multistage process of carcinogenesis, the key link in the growth and progression of the tumor is the invasion of malignant cells into normal tissue and their distribution and the degree of destruction of tissues. The most important role in the development of these processes is played by the system of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA system), which consists of several components: serine proteinase - uPA, its receptor - uPAR and its two endogenous inhibitors - PAI-1 and PAI-2. The components of the uPA system are expressed by cancer cells to a greater extent than normal tissue cells. uPA converts plasminogen into broad spectrum, polyfunctional protease plasmin, which, in addition to the regulation of fibrinolysis, can hydrolyze a number of components of the connective tissue matrix (СTM), as well as activate the zymogens of secreted matrix metalloproteinases (MMР) - pro-MMР. MMРs together can hydrolyze all the main components of the СTM, and thus play a key role in the development of invasive processes, as well as to perform regulatory functions by activating and releasing from STM a number of biologically active molecules that are involved in the regulation of the main processes of carcinogenesis. The uPA system promotes tumor progression not only through the proteolytic cascade, but also through uPAR, PAI-1 and PAI-2, which are involved in both the regulation of uPA/uPAR activity and are involved in proliferation, apoptosis, chemotaxis, adhesion, migration and activation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition pathways. All of the above processes are aimed at regulating invasion, metastasis and angiogenesis. The components of the uPA system are used as prognostic and diagnostic markers of many cancers, as well as serve as targets for anticancer therapy.

V mnogostupenchatom protsesse kantserogeneza kliuchevym zvenom v roste i progressii opukholi iavliaetsia vtorzhenie zlokachestvennykh kletok v normal'nuiu tkan', ikh rasprostranenie i destruktsiia okruzhaiushchikh tkaneĭ. Vazhneĭshuiu rol' v razvitii étikh protsessov igraet sistema aktivatora plazminogena urokinaznogo tipa (uPA-sistema), vkliuchaiushchaia neskol'ko komponentov: serinovuiu proteinazu – uPA, ee retseptor – uPAR i dva ee éndogennykh ingibitora – PAI-1 i PAI-2. Rol' uPA, vysoko spetsificheskoĭ proteinazy, zakliuchaetsia v zapuske protsessov, osushchestvliaemykh uPA-sistemoĭ, kotorye v konechnom schete privodiat k destruktsii vnekletochnogo matriksa i bazal'nykh membran, a takzhe k aktivatsii mnogikh vnutrikletochnykh i vnekletochnykh signal'nykh puteĭ. uPA prevrashchaet plazminogen v plazmin i pomimo reguliatsii fibrinoliza mozhet gidrolizovat' riad komponentov soedinitel'no-tkannogo matriksa (STM) i aktivirovat' zimogeny sekretiruemykh matriksnykh metalloproteinaz (MMR) – pro-MMR. MMR v sovokupnosti mogut gidrolizovat' vse osnovnye komponenty STM i tem samym igrat' kliuchevuiu rol' v razvitii invazivnykh protsessov, a takzhe vypolniat' reguliatornye funktsii s pomoshch'iu aktivatsii i osvobozhdeniia iz STM riada biologicheski aktivnykh molekul, kotorye uchastvuiut v reguliatsii osnovnykh protsessov kantserogeneza. uPAR, PAI-1 i PAI-2 uchastvuiut ne tol'ko v reguliatsii aktivnosti uPA/uPAR; oni vovlecheny v proliferatsiiu, apoptoz, khemotaksis, adgeziiu, migratsiiu i v aktivatsiiu puteĭ épitelial'no-mezenkhimal'nogo perekhoda. Vse ukazannye vyshe protsessy napravleny na reguliatsiiu invazii, metastazirovaniia i angiogeneza. Komponenty uPA-sistemy ispol'zuiutsia v kachestve prognosticheskikh i diagnosticheskikh markerov razvitiia mnogikh vidov raka, a takzhe sluzhat misheniami dlia protivoopukholevoĭ terapii. K chislu issleduemykh i ispol'zuemykh preparatov otnosiatsia selektivnye ingibitory uPA, peptidnye antagonisty uPAR, monoklonal'nye antitela, sposobnye predotvrashchat' sviazyvanie uPA i uPAR, a takzhe antisensornye oligonukleotidy, napravlennye protiv uPA i uPAR.

Keywords: inhibitors PAI-1 and PAI-2; receptor-uPAR; tumor progression; urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA).

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