Recent Advances in Live Imaging of Cells of the Oligodendrocyte Lineage - PubMed
Recent Advances in Live Imaging of Cells of the Oligodendrocyte Lineage
Jaime Eugenin von Bernhardi et al. Methods Mol Biol. 2019.
Myelination is an important process that takes place also in the periphery during development and in the adulthood. Myelin serves as an electric isolator for axons, leading to a fast conduction of the action potential, and provides trophic support for the axon, both aspects highly important for the proper function of the nervous system. In the central nervous system, myelination starts shortly after birth and cells from the oligodendrocyte lineage tightly regulate this process during the whole life span. Initially, it was thought that under physiological conditions myelin generation only occurs in early postnatal development and that myelination stops at early adult ages. Historically, the process of myelination has mainly been studied in fixed tissue, and predominantly analyzed by electron microscopy, bringing valuable insights in the structure and distribution of myelin in the central nervous system. Nevertheless, the outdated notion of the static nature of myelin during adulthood was challenged in the past decades by the development of new techniques bringing in a new picture of a lively structure that is in constant remodeling under physiological and disease conditions. As fixed tissue can only provide information at a specific timepoint, the necessity of new techniques to study this process in vivo has become clear. In this chapter, we will review some of the latest techniques developed in order to study myelin and the oligodendrocyte lineage, as these cells are important for the formation and restructuration of the myelin. We will also introduce a protocol to prepare a cranial window to study NG2-glia (also known as oligodendrocyte progenitor cells) of the cerebral cortex in vivo, by 2-photon laser scanning microscopy. However, this technique can also be performed to study other cell populations or structures such as myelin, which will be discussed in this chapter as well. Despite being simple, this protocol has shown to be powerful to study the oligodendrocyte lineage and potentially is applicable to study myelin in vivo, which could turn into a key technique in the understanding of myelination and other functions that the oligodendrocyte lineage might have under physiological and disease conditions.
Keywords: 2-Photon laser scanning microscopy; Cranial window; Imaging techniques; Mouse; NG2-glia; Oligodendrocytes; Progenitors.
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