How to become a medical professor - a comparative analysis of academic requirements in Germany and the United States - PubMed

  • ️Tue Jan 01 2019

How to become a medical professor - a comparative analysis of academic requirements in Germany and the United States

Seyed Arash Alawi et al. Innov Surg Sci. 2019.


Background: The acquisition of a medical professorship represents a significant step in a physician's academic career. The responsibility as well as the honor and the associated obligations are significant; however, the requirements to become a medical professor vary in Germany.

Objective: We analyzed the variable requirements for prospective medical professors in Germany, with special focus on the tenure track concept and the U.S. system.

Methods: Based on an online research, we queried German medical faculty regulations to obtain a medical professorship within Germany.

Results: We analyzed 35 German universities. On average, 11 publications are required after "venia legendi" to meet professorship (apl) prerequisites (median x̅ = 10, max = 24, min = 6, n = 16), whereas 6 publications with first or last authorship are required on average (x̅ = 6, max = 16, min = 4, n = 26). In most German universities, it takes an average of 4 years after gaining habilitation to apply for a professorship (x̅ = 5 years, max = 6 years, min = 2 years). Candidates for university chair positions, however, can shorten this period by an average of 38%.

Discussion: In the German academic system, the prerequisites to gain a professorship differ among universities. Due to different scientific cooperation and exchange programs, research and academic activities have reached an intense international exchange level. Yet there is no international or even national standardization, quality assurance, and comparability to gain a medical professorship.

Keywords: academic career; academic system; professorship; research and teaching.

©2019 Alawi S.A., et al., published by De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston.

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Figure 1:
Figure 1:

An average of 11 total publications is required after habilitation (median x̅=10, max=24, min=6, n=16) (1). The proportion of the first authorship/last authorship resulted in an average of 6 publications (x̅=6, max=16, min=4, n=26) (2). In most German universities, an average of 4 years is required to obtain a professorship (x̅=5 years, max=6 years, min=2 years) (3). At 10 universities, this period can be shortened by 38% on average (x̅=37%, max=60%, min=20%) (4). The conditions of shortening this time period are mainly linked to the listing of vacancies as an ordinary (clinical director) or outstanding researcher. The meaning of outstanding research is not further defined.

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