A new two-fingered dinosaur sheds light on the radiation of Oviraptorosauria - PubMed

  • ️Wed Jan 01 2020
Figure 2.

Skeletal anatomy of Oksoko avarsan. (a) Skeletal reconstruction. (b,c) Skull of MPC-D 102/110.a in left lateral view. (d) Anterior cervical vertebra of MPC-D 102/12 in left lateral view. (e) Articulated sacrum and ilium of MPC-D 102/11 in ventral view, anterior is to the left. (f) Mid-caudal vertebra of MPC-D 102/12 in left lateral view. (g) Pygostyle vertebrae of MPC-D 102/12 in left lateral view. (h) Right scapulocoracoid of MPC-D 100/33 in lateral view. (i) Furcula of MPC-D 100/33 in anterior view. (j) Right and left sternal plates of MPC-D 100/33 in anterior view. (k) Articulated pelvis of MPC-D 102/11 in right lateral view. (l) Right femur of MPC-D 102/12 in posterior view. (m) Proximal metatarsus and distal tarsals of MPC-D 102/12 in proximal view. (n) Tibia, fibula and pes of MPC-D 102/11 in ventral view. acr, acromion process; astr, astragalus; bt, biceps tubercle; calc, calcaneum; cor, coracoid; corf, coracoid foramen; cr, cervical rib; crtb, ceratobranchial; cs, caudosacral vertebrae; dent, dentary; dist, distal end; dor, dorsal vertebrae; ds, dorsosacral; dt III, distal tarsal III; dt IV, distal tarsal IV; epi, epipophysis; epic, epicleidum; fib, fibula; for, foramen; fr, frontal; glen, glenoid; gt, greater trochanter; h, head; hypc, hypocleidum; idpf, infradiapophyseal fossa; il, ilium; isc, ischium; I–IV, pedal digits I–IV; lat, lateral trabecula; mt II–IV, metatarsals II–IV; mx, maxilla; nas, nasal; ns, neural spine; p1–p3, pygostyle vertebrae 1–3; par, parietal; ?path, possible pathology; pbt, pubic boot; pdp, proximodorsal process; pl, pleurocoel; pmx, premaxilla; pop, popliteal fossa; post, postorbital; prox, proximal end; pub, pubis; q, quadrate; qj, quadratojugal; sac, sacral vertebrae; scap, scapula; spdf, supradiapophyseal fossa; stcp, sternocoracoidal process; tib, tibia; tp, transverse process.