Complementary chromatic adaptation alters photosynthetic strategies in the cyanobacterium Calothrix - PubMed
. 1996 May;142(5):1255-1263.
doi: 10.1099/13500872-142-5-1255.
- PMID: 33725794
- DOI: 10.1099/13500872-142-5-1255
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Complementary chromatic adaptation alters photosynthetic strategies in the cyanobacterium Calothrix
Douglas Campbell. Microbiology (Reading). 1996 May.
Free article
The cyanobacterium Calothrix sp. strain PCC 7601 drastically changes phycobiliprotein composition and colour in response to light quality, through complementary chromatic adaptation (CCA). Red light promotes phycocyanin-II and inhibits phycoerythrin synthesis, while green light has the opposite effect, through changes in transcription regulated by a putative green/red photoreceptor(s). The effects of CCA on photosynthesis were characterized by measuring oxygen evolution and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. Cells fully acclimated to either red or green light achieve a similar photosynthetic quantum yield of oxygen evolution (light-use efficiency). Shifting acclimated cells from green to red or from red to green light caused similar 40% drops in photosynthetic quantum yield. Therefore, full CCA significantly increases light use efficiency, which is of great importance under light-limited growth. Cells growing under red light are in state I, with very low PS II to PS I energy transfer, since red light is absorbed both by phycocyanin in the phycobilisome/PS II supracomplex and by PS I chlorophyll. Cells growing under green light are in state II, with high transfer of excitation energy from the phycobilisome/PS II supracomplex to PS I. This transfer allows green light captured by phycoerythrin to ultimately drive both PS I and PS II photochemistry.
Keywords: chlorophyll fluorescence; light-harvesting; phycobiliproteins; state transition.
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