Hydrothermal vent fauna of the Galápagos Rift: updated species list with new records - PubMed

Hydrothermal vent fauna of the Galápagos Rift: updated species list with new records

Chong Chen et al. Mar Biodivers. 2024.


The sighting of giant bivalves and tubeworms at the Rose Garden vent field on the Galápagos Rift in 1977 marked the discovery of hydrothermal vents, a turning point for modern biology. The following decade saw a flurry of taxonomic descriptions of vent endemic species from the first vents. With the finding of high-temperature "black smokers" on the East Pacific Rise, exploration shifted away from Galápagos. A faunal list of Galápagos vents with 65 species was published in 1991, then updated to 74 species in 2006. Since then, few expeditions returned to the Galápagos Rift. Here, we revisited several Galápagos vents including recently confirmed high-temperature sites and inactive sulfide mounds. From our collecting efforts and observations, as well as revisions from the literature, we update the faunal list to 92 species including 15 new records, restricted to obvious vent associates. Accurate regional faunal lists are important for understanding the biogeography of vent fauna, and our list will also be valuable for setting management strategies.

Keywords: Biogeography; Chemosynthesis; Deep sea; Faunal list; Galápagos Spreading Center.

© The Author(s) 2024.

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Fig. 1
Fig. 1

Map of the study area, showing the location of each hydrothermal vent field visited during R/V Falkor (too) research cruise Fkt231024

Fig. 2
Fig. 2

In situ imagery of Galápagos Rift vents captured by screengrabs of the 4K video camera in the present study: a the alvinellid worm Alvinella caudata on chimney wall of Zombie vent, Tempus Fugit; b two individuals of the bythograeid crab Cyanagraea praedator, Zombie vent, Tempus Fugit; c a living individual of Nodopelta heminoda (white arrow), Zombie vent, Tempus Fugit; d the polychaete worms Eunice cf. pulvinopalpata (white arrow) and Hesiolyra bergi (black arrow), Zombie vent, Tempus Fugit; e a bouquet of Tevnia jerichonana tubeworms at a peripheral diffuse flow at West Iguanas, Iguanas-Pinguinos; f a cluster of Oasisia alvinae tubeworms at a diffuse flow site in East Los Huellos Caldera and several individuals of Sericosura pycnogonids nearby (white arrow and enlarged in inset; likely a mix of both species in Table 1); g Lebbeus laurentae (larger shrimp on the right) seen with Alvinocaris lusca at the base of the active chimney complex at West Iguanas, Iguanas-Pinguinos; h several hydrozoan Candelabrum cf. phrygium near a low-temperature vent at West Iguanas, Iguanas-Pinguinos (representative individuals indicated by white arrows)

Fig. 3
Fig. 3

Specimens collected from Galápagos Rift vents in the present study. a Phymorhynchus major, Walking Dead diffuse flow vent, Tempus Fugit; b Peltospira delicata, Zombie vent, Tempus Fugit; c Neolepetopsis densata, inactive spires near Zombie vent, Tempus Fugit; d Nodopelta heminoda, Zombie vent, Tempus Fugit; e young individual of Peltospira operculata, Zombie vent, Tempus Fugit; f Candelabrum cf. phrygium, West Iguanas, Iguanas-Pinguinos; g a juvenile individual of Tevnia jerichonana from Zombie vent, Tempus Fugit; h Sericosura sp., diffuse flow at East Los Huellos Caldera; i Sericosura cyrtoma, diffuse flow at East Los Huellos Caldera; j Hesiolyra bergi, Zombie vent, Tempus Fugit; k Alvinella caudata, Zombie vent, Tempus Fugit; l Alvinella pompejana, Zombie vent, Tempus Fugit

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