Mitochondrial DNA D-loop variants correlate with a primary open-angle glaucoma subgroup - PubMed

  • ️Mon Jan 01 2024

Mitochondrial DNA D-loop variants correlate with a primary open-angle glaucoma subgroup

Antoni Vallbona-Garcia et al. Front Ophthalmol (Lausanne). 2024.


Introduction: Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is a characteristic optic neuropathy, caused by degeneration of the optic nerve-forming neurons, the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). High intraocular pressure (IOP) and aging have been identified as major risk factors; yet the POAG pathophysiology is not fully understood. Since RGCs have high energy requirements, mitochondrial dysfunction may put the survivability of RGCs at risk. We explored in buffy coat DNA whether mtDNA variants and their distribution throughout the mtDNA could be risk factors for POAG.

Methods: The mtDNA was sequenced from age- and sex-matched study groups, being high tension glaucoma (HTG, n=71), normal tension glaucoma patients (NTG, n=33), ocular hypertensive subjects (OH, n=7), and cataract controls (without glaucoma; n=30), all without remarkable comorbidities.

Results: No association was found between the number of mtDNA variants in genes encoding proteins, tRNAs, rRNAs, and in non-coding regions in the different study groups. Next, variants that controls shared with the other groups were discarded. A significantly higher number of exclusive variants was observed in the D-loop region for the HTG group (~1.23 variants/subject), in contrast to controls (~0.35 variants/subject). In the D-loop, specifically in the 7S DNA sub-region within the Hypervariable region 1 (HV1), we found that 42% of the HTG and 27% of the NTG subjects presented variants, while this was only 14% for the controls and OH subjects. As we have previously reported a reduction in mtDNA copy number in HTG, we analysed if specific D-loop variants could explain this. While the majority of glaucoma patients with the exclusive D-loop variants m.72T>C, m.16163 A>G, m.16186C>T, m.16298T>C, and m.16390G>A presented a mtDNA copy number below controls median, no significant association between these variants and low copy number was found and their possible negative role in mtDNA replication remains uncertain. Approximately 38% of the HTG patients with reduced copy number did not carry any exclusive D-loop or other mtDNA variants, which indicates that variants in nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes, environmental factors, or aging might be involved in those cases.

Conclusion: In conclusion, we found that variants in the D-loop region may be a risk factor in a subgroup of POAG, possibly by affecting mtDNA replication.

Keywords: D-loop (control region); POAG; glaucoma; mitochondria; mtDNA; mtDNA replication.

Copyright © 2024 Vallbona-Garcia, Lindsey, Kamps, Stassen, Nguyen, van Tienen, Hamers, Hardij, van Gisbergen, Benedikter, de Coo, Webers, Gorgels and Smeets.

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Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


Figure 1
Figure 1

Mitochondrial haplogroup distribution in Controls, HTG, NTG and OH subjects. No difference in distribution was observed between haplogroups (displayed in the x-axis) and study groups. The data is displayed as the % of subjects pertaining to the different haplogroups in each study group. Obtained vcf files through the mutect2 tool were used in Haplogrep 3.2.1 to annotate the mitochondrial haplogroups based on the phylogenetic tree Phylotree 17 - Forensic Updated 1.2 with distance function Kulczynski. HTG, high tension glaucoma; NTG, normal tension glaucoma; OH, ocular hypertensive.

Figure 2
Figure 2

Distribution of homoplasmic variants per subject in the mtDNA (A) non-coding D-loop and Oril regions, RNR1, RNR2 and tRNA coding regions (B) protein-coding regions of OXPHOS subunits ATP6, ATP8, CO1, CO2, CO3, CYB, ND1, ND2, ND3, ND4, ND4L, ND5, and ND6, in the Controls, HTG, NTG, and OH subjects. No differences between groups are observed when the number of variants in each subject per group and per region are fitted to a Poisson model. Data is displayed as the number of variants per subject. The total number of variants in each gene and group is divided by the respective size of the group. HTG, high tension glaucoma; NTG, normal tension glaucoma; OH, Ocular hypertensive.

Figure 3
Figure 3

Distribution of exclusive homoplasmic variants per subject either only present in HTG, NTG, and OH groups, or in the control-group in the mtDNA (A) non-coding D-loop and Oril regions, RNR1, RNR2 and tRNA coding regions (B) protein-coding regions of OXPHOS subunits ATP6, ATP8, CO1, CO2, CO3, CYB, ND1, ND2, ND3, ND4, ND4L, ND5, and ND6, in the Controls, HTG, NTG, and OH subjects. (A) A significantly higher number of exclusive variants per subject is observed in HTG patients in the D-loop(*) region in contrast to controls. (B) A significantly lower number of exclusive variants per subject is observed in the NTG and HTG groups for CO1(*), and a significantly higher number in ND2(*) for the NTG group and for CYB(*) in the HTG group is observed in comparison to controls for the protein-encoding mtDNA regions. Number of of variants in each subject per group and per region are fitted to a zero-inflated Poisson model. Data is displayed as the number of variants per subject. The total number of exclusive variants in each gene and group is divided by the respective size of the group. HTG, high tension glaucoma; NTG, normal tension glaucoma; OH, Ocular hypertensive.

Figure 4
Figure 4

General Scheme of the major related sub-regions (A) and distribution of variants along the D-loop region (B). (A) The different sub-areas of the D-loop are depicted in both the heavy and the light strands of the mtDNA [Adapted from Falkenberg (31), Nicholls and Minczuk (61)]. 3 hypervariable regions (HV1, HV2, and HV3); heavy strand origins zone and the respective origin of replication of the heavy strand (OriH); both light and the major heavy strand promoter (LSP, HSP1) and its respective direction; conserved sequence blocks 1,2 and 3 (CSB1,2,3) and termination associated sequences (TAS, TAS2). Binding sites for the transcription factor mtTF1 are situated from between CSB1 and CSB2 till almost the HSP. The 7S DNA area, where the D-loop triple stranded structure is formed by the addition of a short 7S DNA strand, is depicted by a red dashed arrow. Created with

(B) Patient (HTG, NTG) and OH exclusive variants and control exclusive variants are displayed in a bright color, while non-exclusive variants are displayed in a faint color. Areas of the region that only present variants in the HTG and/or NTG groups are highlighted in red, blue and green boxes. The sub-regions inside the D-loop are shown below the x-axis, only if a variant was present in the respective sub-region. Data is displayed as the number of variants per subject The total number of subjects presenting each variant and group is divided by the respective size of the group. MT5, control element; HPR, replication primer; HTG, high tension glaucoma; NTG, normal tension glaucoma; OH, Ocular hypertensive; TFX, TFY, TFH, TFL, mtTF1 binding sites; 3H, mt3 heavy-strand control element.

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The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. The author was supported by the following foundations: Glaucoomfonds and Oogfonds that contributed through UitZicht (Grant number 2019-18). The funding organizations had no role in the design or conduct of this research. They provided unrestricted grants.