Nup358, a cytoplasmically exposed nucleoporin with peptide repeats, Ran-GTP binding sites, zinc fingers, a cyclophilin A homologous domain, and a leucine-rich region - PubMed
- ️Sun Jan 01 1995
. 1995 Jun 9;270(23):14209-13.
doi: 10.1074/jbc.270.23.14209.
- PMID: 7775481
- DOI: 10.1074/jbc.270.23.14209
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Nup358, a cytoplasmically exposed nucleoporin with peptide repeats, Ran-GTP binding sites, zinc fingers, a cyclophilin A homologous domain, and a leucine-rich region
J Wu et al. J Biol Chem. 1995.
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The Ras-related nuclear protein, Ran, has been implicated in nuclear transport. By screening a HeLa cell lambda expression library with Ran-GTP and sequencing overlapping cDNA clones, we have obtained the derived primary structure of a protein with a calculated molecular mass of 358 kDa. Using antibodies raised against an expressed segment of this protein, we obtained punctate nuclear surface staining by immunofluorescence microscopy that is characteristic for nucleoporins. Electron microscopy of immunogold-decorated rat liver nuclear envelopes sublocalized the 358-kDa protein at (or near) the tip of the cytoplasmic fibers of the nuclear pore complex (NPC). In agreement with current convention, this protein was therefore termed Nup358 (for nucleoporin of 358 kDa). Nup358 contains a leucine-rich region, four potential Ran binding sites (i.e. Ran binding protein 1 homologous domains) flanked by nucleoporin-characteristic FXFG or FG repeats, eight zinc finger motifs, and a C-terminal cyclophilin A homologous domain. Consistent with the location of Nup358 at the cytoplasmic fibers of the NPC, we found decoration with Ran-gold at only the cytoplasmic side of the NPC. Thus, Nup358 is the first nucleoporin shown to contain binding sites for two of three soluble nuclear transport factors so far isolated, namely karyopherin and Ran-GTP.
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