Translational regulation of infC operon in Bacillus stearothermophilus - PubMed
. 1995 Nov-Dec;73(11-12):1071-8.
doi: 10.1139/o95-115.
- PMID: 8722023
- DOI: 10.1139/o95-115
Translational regulation of infC operon in Bacillus stearothermophilus
D Pediconi et al. Biochem Cell Biol. 1995 Nov-Dec.
A Bacillus stearothermophilus in vitro translational system has been developed to study the expression of the three cistrons (infC, rpml, and rplT) constituting the infC operon of this bacterium. When directed by homologous in vitro transcribed infC tricistronic mRNA, this system, which consists of partially purified and purified components of the B. stearothermophilus translational apparatus, synthesizes with high efficiency and specificity the three gene products (IF3, L35, and L20) in a ratio similar to that found in vivo (i.e., about 1:6:6). The three cistrons are translationally coupled and expressed in a specific temporal order: a low level of IF3 synthesis stimulates the expression of L35 which, in turn, greatly stimulates the synthesis of L20 and IF3. Protein L20 and an excess of IF3 were found to act as translational feedback inhibitors of the entire operon. The synthesis of IF3 displayed a strong dependence on IF2. This dependence as well as the repressibility by excess IF3 were found to be due to the presence of the rare AUU initiation triplet at the beginning of infC.
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