Spal (Reserve) - Everything for Football ⚽

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  1. Italy
  2. Spal (Reserve)
Group Stage
First Round
Second Round
Group 4 - Group Stage

Featured Players

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Jacopo Simonetta
Midfield - Central Midfield
19 years
34 Philipp Breit
Defence - Centre-Back
21 years
Tommaso Angeletti
Striker - Centre-Forward
20 years
Player To
Antonio Imputato
Striker - Right Wing
Mestre Mestre
Simone Cecere
Midfield - Defensive Midfield
Fidelis Andria Fidelis Andria
Alessandro Boccia
Midfield - Central Midfield
Frosinone Frosinone
Raul Alessandro Bura
Defence - Centre-Back
Ghivizzano Borgo a Mozzano Ghivizzano Borgo a Mozzano
Thomas Jungbauer
Defence - Centre-Back
Ceske Budejovice Ceske Budejovice


Full Name
Società Polisportiva Ars et Labor
+39 (532) 52752
Corso Piave 28, Ferrara
Main Club
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