Hapoel Nof HaGalil 1 - 1 Hapoel Hadera - Ligat ha'Al 2021/22

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Hapoel Nof HaGalil 1 - 1 Hapoel Hadera - Ligat ha'Al 2021/22

Hapoel Nof HaGalil


  • 46' Omer Fadida
1 - 1

Hapoel Hadera


  • 51' Shoval Gozlan

  Niv Steif      Green Stadium    Attendance: 653


  1. Israel
  2. Ligat ha'Al 2021/22
  3. Results
  4. Hapoel Nof HaGalil 1 - 1 Hapoel Hadera


Hapoel Nof HaGalil - Substitutes
Stefan Marinovic Stefan Marinovic 1
Reuven Gal Reuven Gal 18
Wessam Rabah
  • 55'
Wessam Rabah 6
Eli Balilti Eli Balilti 15
John Ogu
  • 56'
  • 75'
John Ogu 30
Ronen Hanzis
  • 78'
Ronen Hanzis 10
Abdallah Khalaihal Abdallah Khalaihal 99
  • 71'
Kizito 11
Stav Nachmani
  • 55'
Stav Nachmani 9
Hapoel Hadera - Substitutes
11 Afik Katan Afik Katan
1 Adi Tabachnik Adi Tabachnik
23 Aviv Lin Aviv Lin
26 Ron Unger Ron Unger
  • 74'
10 Gilad Avramov Gilad Avramov
  • 88'
20 Amit Mor Amit Mor
21 Liav Prada Liav Prada
  • 89'
24 Awajo Asefa Awajo Asefa
83 Aviel Ben Hemo Aviel Ben Hemo
  • 49'

Previous Clashes

Round 9
Round 18
Round 3

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