licencen - Middle English Compendium
Middle English Dictionary Entry
Entry Info
Forms | līcencen v. Also licensen, lisensen, licent. |
Etymology | OF licenciier |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) To grant leave to (sb. to do sth.), permit; ~ toward, let (sb. go) toward; (b) to grant formal authorization to (sb. to do sth.); (c) ppl. licenced, of persons: holding official authorization; having such authorization (to do sth.); ~ to, authorized for (a particular purpose); of goods: bearing a license.
Associated quotations
- a1450 Gener.(1) (Mrg M 876)2983 : My lord, if it be your will, To licence me to tel my tale.
- c1450 Alph.Tales (Add 25719)521/1 : Som tyme I was suche a monk of yours, and I beseke your fadurhede to licent me to com hame agayn vnto myne abbay with you.
- (1453) Papers Trevelyan in Camd.6724 : We will that our chaplen..personally be wekes he may be lycensed in the pastyme or to pilgrimage.
- (a1460) Vegetius(2) (Pmb-C 243)2978 : O Lady myn, Maria, lode sterre, Licence me toward the lond.
- (1462) Paston (Gairdner)4.38 : It plesyd you to lycense on of youre servaunts to take out the patent of the seyd office.
- (a1460) Sts. (Adv Abbotsford B3)11.413 (v.1:p.117) : Whan it plesid the peple to licensyn hym, he was led into the kyngis castel.
- a1500(a1475) Ashby Dicta (Cmb Mm.4.42)739 : If ye be to any man licencyng To set his fote vpon youres..He wol after set his fote vppon your nekke.
- (1442) Visit.Alnwick230 : [When] your susters shalle visyte thayre frendes, ye licence thaym not to be absent owtt of the place passed [iij] dayes at the moste.
- a1450 Gener.(1) (Mrg M 876)8497 : I pray you, licence me to goo..Into Ynde ther [Generides] is.
- ?c1450 St.Cuth.(Eg 3309)7598 : Þai come to bischope walchere And besoght..Þat he walde þaim lycence In his diocise to haue place.
- (a1460) Bokenham Sts. (Adv Abbotsford B3)62.424 (v.1:p.386) : Anothir yunge munke, mevid with the spirite of vnstabilnesse, desired to returnen ageyn to the worle .. and importunely preyed forto ben licencid.
- (1465-6) GRed Bk.Bristol116 : We of our grace especiall' have lycencid..Piers de passe oute of this oure Royaume in to the Contre of Britayne.
- ?a1425(a1415) Wycl.Lantern (Hrl 2324)11/27 : Heldad & Medad prophecied, albeit þat þei weren not lisensid bi Moises.
- (c1422) Hoccl.JWife (Dur-U Cosin V.3.9)213 : Ther neuere shal man do with me þat deede Sauf my lord themperour which..Licenced is ther-to.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)7690 : I am licenced..In divynite for to rede And to confessen.
- (1432) RParl.4.410a : That ye value of all suche godes..except thes Wolles..that been..licenced by oure saide sovereigne forfait.
- (a1460) Bokenham Sts. (Adv Abbotsford B3)11.393 (v.1:p.117) : He went to the kyng and delyuerid hym his sonne whom he had in gouernaunce.., and so licencid he passid the see.
- (a1460) Bokenham Sts. (Adv Abbotsford B3)73.243 (v.2:p.52) : Freris come to her chapitre at Melan and willyng, as they were licencid, lyften vp his body and transferren it to an hyer .. place.
- 1530(c1450) Mirror Our Lady (Fawkes)102 : None oughte in holy chyrche to rede and speke..but yf he be specially lycensed therto.
- 1543(1464) Hardyng Chron.B (Grafton)p.307 : Lewes Beamount..Whose brother was Henry lord Beaumont tho, Licensed and graunted by the kyng of Fraunce, To bee liege menne to Edwardes whole plesaunce.