Music Calculator ♬ Overview


Music Calculators | Tuning | Note Length | Interval | Note Ratio | Frequency of a String | Wavelength

Music Calculators

Some helpful calculators for notes and tones. Here you can perform simple calculations for the music:

  • Tuning calculates the height of tones, when the instrument is tuned to a certain frequency.

  • Note Length shows the length of notes (whole, half, quarter, ...) at a given tempo.

  • Interval finds out the distance of two notes or the note, which has a distance of a given interval to another note.

  • Note Ratio calculates the ratio of the tone pitches of two notes at an equal temperament.

  • Frequency of a String calculates the fundamental frequency and the overtones from the physical properties of a string.

  • Wavelength determines that one from frequency and speed of sound.

A further calculator, which is more extensive and also can play sound, is the Note Calculator.

German: Musik-Rechner | Stimmung | Notenlänge | Intervall | Frequenz einer Saite | Wellenlänge

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