Calculations at a regular hexagram. A hexagram is a star polygon, it is constructed from the short diagonals of a regular hexagon with the edge length a.
Enter one value and choose the number of decimal places. Then click Calculate.
l = a * √3
b = l / 3
p = 12 * b
A = 3 * √3 * b²
Distance, chords and perimeter have the same unit (e.g. meter), the area has this unit squared (e.g. square meter).
A regular hexagram can also be seen as two equilateral triangles of equal size, one of which is upside down, compared to the other. The regular hexagram cannot be drawn without lifting the pen like the regular pentagram, so it is not unicursal. In fact, there is also a unicursal hexagram, but this is less regular. The regular hexagram is point-symmetrical to its center, axially symmetrical to each of the three lines through the opposite points, and to each of the three lines through the opposite concave corners. It is rotationally symmetrical at an angle of 60 degrees or multiples thereof.
Hexagrams are frequently used symbols and are often found in religious contexts and in coats of arms. The most well-known is probably the Star of David as a symbol of the people of Israel and Judaism, which first appeared there about 2500 years ago. It is also found in the flag of the State of Israel. The symbol was adopted from Judaism into Christianity and Islam, but is less prominent there. The hexagram also appears early in Indian culture, often with the symbolic meaning of two different but related things, as it consists of two triangles. It has this meaning in common with the Chinese yin-yang symbol. Whether and to what extent the eastern (Indian) and western use of the hexagram as a symbol are related is unknown.