Sharp Kink - Geometry Calculator

2D Regular Polygons:
Equilateral Triangle, Square, Pentagon, Hexagon, Heptagon, Octagon, Nonagon, Decagon, Hendecagon, Dodecagon, Hexadecagon, N-gon, Polygon Ring

Other Polygons:
Triangle, Right Triangle, Isosceles Triangle, IR Triangle, 1/2 EL Triangle, Golden Triangle, Quadrilateral, Rectangle, Golden Rectangle, Rhombus, Equidiagonal Rhombus, Parallelogram, Kite, 60-90-120 Kite, Half Square Kite, Right Kite, Trapezoid, Right Trapezoid, Isosceles Trapezoid, Tri-equilateral Trapezoid, Obtuse Trapezoid, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Tangential Quadrilateral, Arrowhead, Concave Quadrilateral, Crossed Rectangle, Antiparallelogram, House-Shape, Symmetric Pentagon, Diagonally Bisected Octagon, Cut Rectangle, Concave Pentagon, Concave Regular Pentagon, Stretched Pentagon, Straight Bisected Octagon, Stretched Hexagon, Symmetric Hexagon, Semi-regular Hexagon, Parallelogon, Concave Hexagon, Arrow-Hexagon, Rectangular Hexagon, L-Shape, Sharp Kink, T-Shape, Square Heptagon, Truncated Square, Stretched Octagon, Frame, Open Frame, Grid, Cross, X-Shape, H-Shape, Threestar, Fourstar, Pentagram, Hexagram, Unicursal Hexagram, Oktagram, Star of Lakshmi, Double Star Polygon, Polygram, The Hat, Polygon

Round Forms:
Circle, Semicircle, Circular Sector, Circular Segment, Circular Layer, Circular Central Segment, Round Corner, Circular Corner, Circle Tangent Arrow, Drop Shape, Crescent, Pointed Oval, Two Circles, Lancet Arch, Knoll, Elongated Semicircle, Annulus, Semi-Annulus, Annulus Sector, Annulus Segment, Cash, Curved Rectangle, Rounded Polygon, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Semi-Ellipse, Elliptical Segment, Elliptical Sector, Elliptical Ring, Stadium, Half Stadium, Stadium Segment, Spiral, Log. Spiral, Reuleaux Triangle, Cycloid, Double Cycloid, Astroid, Hypocycloid, Cardioid, Epicycloid, Parabolic Segment, Heart, Tricorn, Pointed Semicircle, Interarc Triangle, Circular Arc Triangle, Interarc Quadrangle, Intercircle Quadrangle, Circular Arc Quadrangle, Circular Arc Polygon, Claw, Half Yin-Yang, Arbelos, Salinon, Bulge, Lune, Three Circles, Polycircle, Round-Edged Polygon, Rose, Gear, Oval, Egg-Profile, Lemniscate, Squircle, Circular Square, Digon, Spherical Triangle

3D Platonic Solids:
Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron

Archimedean Solids:
Truncated Tetrahedron, Cuboctahedron, Truncated Cube, Truncated Octahedron, Rhombicuboctahedron, Truncated Cuboctahedron, Icosidodecahedron, Truncated Dodecahedron, Truncated Icosahedron, Snub Cube, Rhombicosidodecahedron, Truncated Icosidodecahedron, Snub Dodecahedron

Catalan Solids:
Triakis Tetrahedron, Rhombic Dodecahedron, Triakis Octahedron, Tetrakis Hexahedron, Deltoidal Icositetrahedron, Hexakis Octahedron, Rhombic Triacontahedron, Triakis Icosahedron, Pentakis Dodecahedron, Pentagonal Icositetrahedron, Deltoidal Hexecontahedron, Hexakis Icosahedron, Pentagonal Hexecontahedron

Johnson Solids:
Pyramids, Cupolae, Rotunda, Elongated Pyramids, Gyroelongated Pyramids, Bipyramids, Elongated Bipyramids, Gyroelongated Square Dipyramid, Gyrobifastigium, Disheptahedron, Snub Disphenoid, Sphenocorona, Disphenocingulum

Other Polyhedrons:
Cuboid, Square Pillar, Triangular Pyramid, Square Pyramid, Regular Pyramid, Pyramid, Square Frustum, Regular Frustum, Frustum, Bent Pyramid, Regular Bipyramid, Bipyramid, Bifrustum, Frustum-Pyramid, Ramp, Right Wedge, Wedge, Half Tetrahedron, Rhombohedron, Parallelepiped, Regular Prism, Prism, Oblique Prism, Anticube, Antiprism, Prismatoid, Trapezohedron, Disphenoid, Corner, General Tetrahedron, Wedge-Cuboid, Half Cuboid, Skewed Cuboid, Ingot, Skewed Three-Edged Prism, Cut Cuboid, Truncated Cuboid, Obtuse Edged Cuboid, Elongated Dodecahedron, Truncated Rhombohedron, Obelisk, Bent Cuboid, Hollow Cuboid, Hollow Pyramid, Hollow Frustum, Star Pyramid, Stellated Octahedron, Small Stellated Dodecahedron, Great Stellated Dodecahedron, Great Dodecahedron, Great Icosahedron

Round Forms:
Sphere, Hemisphere, Quarter Sphere, Spherical Corner, Cylinder, Cut Cylinder, Oblique Cylinder, Bent Cylinder, Elliptic Cylinder, Generalized Cylinder, Cone, Truncated Cone, Oblique Circular Cone, Elliptic Cone, Truncated Elliptic Cone, General Cone, General Truncated Cone, Bicone, Truncated Bicone, Pointed Pillar, Rounded Cone, Elongated Hemisphere, Drop, Spheroid, Ellipsoid, Semi-Ellipsoid, Spherical Sector, Spherical Cap, Spherical Segment, Spherical Central Segment, Double Calotte, Rounded Disc, Double Sphere, Spherical Wedge, Half Cylinder, Diagonally Halved Cylinder, Cylindrical Wedge, Cylindrical Sector, Cylindrical Segment, Flat End Cylinder, Half Cone, Conical Sector, Conical Wedge, Spherical Shell, Half Spherical Shell, Spherical Shell Cap, Cylindrical Shell, Cut Cylindrical Shell, Oblique Cylindrical Shell, Hollow Cone, Truncated Hollow Cone, Spherical Ring, Torus, Spindle Torus, Toroid, Torus Sector, Toroid Sector, Arch, Reuleaux-Tetrahedron, Capsule, Half Capsule, Capsule Segment, Double Point, Anticone, Truncated Anticone, Sphere-Cylinder, Lens, Concave Lens, Barrel, Egg Shape, Paraboloid, Hyperboloid, Oloid, Steinmetz Solids, Solid of Revolution


Calculations at a sharp kink or folded rectangle. This is a special shape of a concave hexagon.
Enter the width, the short or long side of each leg and the angle. The angle must be smaller than 180°. Choose the number of decimal places and click Calculate. Please enter the angle in degrees, here you can convert angle units.

d = b / sin(α/2)
a = c + √ d² - b²
a' = c' + √ d² - b²
a - c = a' - c'
p = a + 2b + c + a' + c'
A = b * ( a + c' )

Lengths, width, diagonal and perimeter have the same unit (e.g. meter), the area has this unit squared (e.g. square meter).

This kink has four right angles, an acute or obtuse angle and a super-obtuse angle. Two of the right angles are at each end, the other two angles are in the middle. The acute or obtuse angle is the decisive one, the bend angle α. The super-obtuse angle results from this as 360°−α.
If the bend angle is 90 degrees, i.e. a right angle, then the kink is an L-shape. The calculation is easier with this and does not require a sine. It is of course even easier with an angle of 180 degrees, because then the shape is a normal rectangle of length a+a' and width b.
Such a kink cannot simply be broken down into rectangles, a right kite remains as an intermediate piece. Therefore, a real rectangular workpiece cannot be bent into this shape without something sticking out, being distorted or breaking off. This may be important to consider if the calculation is not just about a mathematical object, but about a physical one. The best way to create such a kink is to put together two rectangles by removing a right triangle of the same size from one end of each. These two triangles, put together in mirror image at the hypotenuse, correspond to the protruding kite.

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