Proceedings of the 2009 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium | US Forest Service Research and Development
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Authors: | Clifton E. Jr..Watts, Cherie LeBlanc Fisher |
Year: | 2010 |
Type: | General Technical Report - Proceedings |
Station: | Northern Research Station |
Source: | Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-66. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 276 p. [Online only]. |
Contains articles and posters presented at the 2009 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. Contents cover GIS applications and recreation resource quality, meanings and measurement of recreation, climate change and resource planning, youth and outdoor recreation, urban recreation challenges, outdoor recreation--trails, human dimensions of wildlife, leisure and health, stewardship, partnerships, and stakeholders, outdoor recreation, angling, recreation norms, tourism trends and challenges, place meanings, recreation and tourism impacts, management and use of park, recreation and tourism resources, leisure research, and tourism--motives and managment.
Titles contained within Proceedings of the 2009 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium
- Managing recreation on mountain summits in the northern forest region of Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont
- The role of imagination in experiencing natural environments
- Are the Keys loved to death? A study of diver specialization levels and preferences in the Florida Keys
- Diver perceptions of Florida Keys Reef conditions by specialization level
- The perceived impact of a university outdoor education program on students' environmental behaviors
- Walk, ride and learn: students' discovery of nature and other evironmental elements on their routes to school
- "I'm too old to go outside!" Examining age-related differences in children's environmental orientations
- Fish consumption risk perception among anglers in an industrial urban area
- Place visitation, place avoidance, and attitudinal ambivalence: new concepts for place research in urban recreation settings
- Heritage tourism development in rural Russia: A case study in collaborative tourism planning in an international setting
- Boomers and seniors: The driving force behind leisure participation
- Q and you: The application of Q methodology in recreation research
- Experience use history and its relationship to management actions and satisfaction
- Normative standards for wildlife viewing in parks and protected areas
- An application of the global sustainable tourism criteria in health tourism
- Conceptualization of interactions between partners and the U.S. Forest Service
- Exploring elements that influence stewardship in the eastern Lake Ontario dune and wetland area
- Repositioning identity in conceptualizations of human-place bonding
- Longitudinal analysis of fishing behavior among Texas anglers (1990-2006)
- Place meanings ascribed to marine recreation areas: The case of the Great Barrier Reef
- Normative tolerances for scuba divers and snorkelers: An application of the Potential for Conflict index2
- Norm stability at Alcatraz Island: Effects of time and changing conditions
- Pedestrian Levels of Service (LOS) at Muir Woods National Monument (California): An introduction to multi-modal LOS for parks and protected areas
- Attendance motivations and visitor segments within a university agricultural festival
- Building sustainable communities using sense of place indicators in three Hudson River Valley, NY, tourism destinations: An application of the limits of acceptable change process
- Modeling the scenic beauty of the Highland Scenic Highway, West Virginia
- Predictors of visitors' intention to return to a nature-based recreation area
- Constraints and benefits of changing the distribution process for recreation special use permits in the U.S
- Changes in national park visitation (2000-2008) and interest in outdoor activities (1993-2008)
- Recreation trails in Maine and New Hampshire: A comparison of notorized, non-motorized, and non-mechanized trails
- Experiences of campers and campsite impacts in the St. Regis Canoe Area Wilderness
- A comparative analysis of mail and internet surveys
- A comparison of two follow-up analyses after multiple analysis of variance, analysis of variance, and descriptive discriminant analysis: A case study of the program effects on education-abroad programs
- Economic impact of the 2008 American Folk Festival in Bangor, Maine
- Economic impact and market analysis of a special event: The Great New England Air Show
- Management implications of changes in recreation activity motivation across physical settings
- Leisure resourcefulness as a predictor of level of affluence and life satisfaction: having more or doing with less
- "I just wanted to get away": An analysis of spring breakers' travel motivations
fish and wildlife, environmental attitudes, leisure, recreation, tourism, wildland-urban interface
Watts, Clifton E., Jr.; Fisher, Cherie LeBlanc, eds. 2010. Proceedings of the 2009 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-66. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 276 p. [Online only].