王弼《老子注》的詮釋辨證/ Interpretative Dialectics of Wang Bi’s Exegesis of Lao-Tzu | Asian Studies
- ️Tue Sep 25 2012
- Jung-Tao TSAI Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Wang Bi, Exegesis of Lao-Tzu, sinology in Europe, Lin Li zhen, Yu Dun kang, Rudolf G. WagnerAbstract
王弼是魏晉玄學最重要的思想家,也是中國哲學史上不世出的天才,他以二十四 歲英年早逝,卻無礙於他的哲學成就:《周易注》被收入十三經注疏,《老子注》 則成為通行本,影響後世深遠。歷來詮釋王弼思想的成果豐碩,精彩論點令人目 不暇給,對於王弼思想的關注不限於華人社會,近期在中國出版,德國當代著名 漢學家瓦格納 (Rudolf G. Wagner) 《王弼《老子注》研究》就是海外漢學家長期關 注王弼哲學的成果。本文針對海峽兩岸研究王弼卓然有成的林麗真、余敦康,以 及歐陸的瓦格納等三人的王弼《老子注》的研究成果,歸納其進路、觀點,以及 重大創穫。林麗真聚焦於王弼玄理的闡發,余敦康則提出通貫哲學與政治整體觀, 著重王弼玄學的現實關懷,瓦格納則從語言哲學入手,提出「鍊體風格」的詮釋 策略,豐富文本的內涵。台灣、大陸與歐洲學者對王弼的詮釋有共識,也有殊異, 這樣的參照比較,不僅可以相互攻錯,擴大學術視野,也能進一步深化王弼思想、 魏晉玄學的研究,極富學術意義。
Wang Bi, the most prominent scholar of metaphysics of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, was an unprecedented genius throughout the history of Chinese philosophy. In this article, the author examines the brilliant contributions made by Lin Li Zhen, Yu Dun Kang and Rudolf G. Wagner, who are noticed for their research of Exegesis of Lao-Tzu. It is a synthesis of the directions of investigation, approaches, and significant findings they have come up with. Among the three interpretations, Lin focuses on the explanation of Wang’s metaphysic thinking while Yu emphasizes Wang’s secular concerns by proposing the “philosophy of thoroughness” and political holism. As for Wagner, he approaches this work with the views of linguistic philosophy and suggests refined stylistics as interpretative strategy, which functions to enrich the textual contents.
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Author Biography
Jung-Tao TSAI, Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chiayi University, Taiwan