revkin.substack.comSustain What | Andy @Revkin | Substack️Andy @RevkinA regular dose of sanity and substance amid the spin around climate and sustainability challenges.By Andy @Revkin<path d="M17.8212 2.19198C19.5364 1.48152 21.4636 1.48152 23.1788 2.19198L31.198 5.51364C32.9132 6.2241 34.2759 7.58682 34.9864 9.30201L38.308 17.3212C39.0185 19.0364 39.0185 20.9636 38.308 22.6788L34.9864 30.698C34.2759 32.4132 32.9132 33.7759 31.198 34.4864L23.1788 37.808C21.4636 38.5185 19.5364 38.5185 17.8212 37.808L9.80201 34.4864C8.08682 33.7759 6.7241 32.4132 6.01364 30.698L2.69198 22.6788C1.98152 20.9636 1.98152 19.0364 2.69198 17.3212L6.01364 9.30201C6.7241 7.58682 8.08682 6.2241 9.80202 5.51364L17.8212 2.19198Z" stroke="#FF6719" stroke-width="4" fill="transparent"><path d="M27.1666 15L17.9999 24.1667L13.8333 20" stroke="#FF6719" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" /></path> · Over 9,000 subscribers