
Chapter Seven: Feast of Feasts

The coven prepares for an annual ritual as Harvey takes part in a Kinkle family tradition. Sabrina grows suspicious of Lady Blackwood.


Zelda schools Sabrina on the Feast of Feast

Harvey walks Sabrina home from school. He asks what she's doing for Thanksgiving but Sabrina tells him that it's not really a big holiday for her family. Harvey says that his grandfather is coming and that there is going to be a lot of beer drinking and deer hunting. Sabrina invites him inside but sees entrails hanging from the door and decides to call it a night instead. Harvey leaves and Sabrina goes inside to ask her family why there are organs hanging on the front door. Zelda tells her that it's a message from the council and that her family has been selected to participate in the Feast of Feasts, one of the coven's holiest holidays and celebrates the sacrifice of one witch: Freya. She's known as a queen amongst witches. Centuries ago, 14 woman belonging to the earliest incarnation of the Church of Night were chased out of the township of Greendale into the hills. The men of Greendale had hunted all the animals and the witches would've died that winter if not for Freya's sacrifice. She killed herself so that the coven would have food until spring. The Feast of Feast is an annual demonstration of their devotion to the Dark Lord. Fourteen witch families have been selected and each must choose someone, a female, to represent them. Those representatives will have to draw lots and see who will be deemed Queen. Whoever is Queen will be the main course for the Feast of Feasts. Zelda tells her that only she and Sabrina can participate since Hilda has been excommunicated. Zelda will be the representative. Sabrina is against the whole idea and tries to get Hilda and Ambrose to back her up. She doesn't want to lose any more Spellmans. Zelda tells her that she and Hilda have participated many times, but never declared the Queen. She believes they will be rejected again this year.


Ms. Wardwell assigns everyone the task of finding out about their family history

At Baxter High, Madam Satan talks to the class about Thanksgiving. She asks Harvey about his family's arrival in Greendale and them coming into possession of the Greendale Mines, but he knows little of his family's past. Madam Satan assigns the students to dig into their family histories. After class, Sabrina asks her if there is a way to stop the Feast of Feasts. Madam Satan says that she doesn't know but will do some research.


Harvey learns his family were hunters

Harvey asks his grandpa if they've always been miners. Grandpa Kinkle tells him that back in the day when they were known as Von Kunkles, they used to hunt and trap. Then came one winter when a mysterious group of people who lived on the outskirt of town claimed that the Kinkles stole their land. The "hill people" scared the townsfolk that the Kinkles should get rid of them. And after they were gone, the Kinkles made use of the land. Harvey asks how they got rid of them and his grandpa says that he'll show him when they go hunting.

Susie looks through her Uncle Jesse's stuff with her dad. They find a picture of Susie's ancestor, the first of their family to arrive from Europe and move to Greendale: Dorothea Putnam. They also uncover her journals. She dressed like a man. Joe presumes that this is because she lived alone and it was safer for a woman in that time to wear men’s clothing.

Roz visits her Nana Ruth and asks about their family's history. Nana Ruth reveals that she has a sixth sense: the cunning. It allows them to see what others can't. Nana Ruth's cunning started to manifest when she was Roz' age.


Prudence is participating in the Feast of Feasts

At the Academy of Unseen Arts, Prudence tells Dorcas and Agatha that she has been chosen to participate in the Feast of Feasts. Sabrina asks her how she can be so happy that she may or may not be sacrificed. Prudence explains that there is no greater honor. Dorcas and Agatha say that it would be the first time that an orphan would be Queen. Sabrina spots Nick and asks him about his opinion of the Feast of Feasts. Nick is an objector. He adds that Sabrina's dad had banned the ritual when he was high priest. Faustus Blackwood reinstated as he wanted to return to the old traditions. Nick wonders if she's a tribute. Sabrina tells him that her Aunt Zelda has volunteered. Sabrina wonders if Zelda would think differently about the ritual if Sabrina was a tribute.


Feast of Feasts selection ceremony

The Church of Night gathers at the Desecrated Church for the selection ceremony, led by Blackwood. Lady Blackwood allows for each tribute to draw a sheet of paper from the container. Sabrina interrupts before Zelda can grab a piece of paper from the box. She tells the coven that she will be representing her family unless Zelda wants to admit that the Feast of Feast is barbaric like her father declared. Zelda relents and allows Sabrina to represent the family. Sabrina chooses the paper and burns it but it is Prudence who ends up being chosen as Queen. Agatha and Dorcas rush to congratulate her.


Sabrina is Prudence's handmaiden

Back at the Spellman Mortuary, Zelda is angry with Sabrina for having come so close to becoming Queen and being sacrificed. Sabrina explains that she didn't think Zelda would let her go through with the drawing. Hilda is just happy that she was spared but Zelda tells them that Sabrina was chosen as a handmaiden. This means she has to do whatever Prudence wants for three days. As if on queue, Prudence arrives with a duffle bag. Ambrose is clearly smitten with her. Prudence asks Sabrina for a milk bath and some macaroons. Sabrina is forced to wash Prudence as she lays in the bathtub. Sabrina tries to convince Prudence to escape but Prudence is honored to be their sacrifice. Sabrina asks what if there is nothing after death but Prudence believes in the tradition. After the coven consumes her body, she will be a part of every witch from the Church of Night forever. Her spirit will also reside in the Dark Lord's heart with the other queens. Prudence feels sorry for Sabrina because she doesn't have any faith. After the bath, Prudence claims Sabrina's bed as her own while Sabrina sleeps on the floor.


Prudence, Ambrose, Luke, Dorcas, Agatha, and Nick have an orgy

That night, Sabrina gets woken up by a noise. She heads up to Ambrose's room and finds Prudence, Ambrose, Luke, Dorcas, Agatha, and Nick having an orgy. Nick invites Sabrina to join them but Sabrina rejects the offer and leaves. In the morning, Prudence is sitting on the porch when Sabrina walks out. Sabrina tries one more time to convince her to abandon the Feast of Feast, but Prudence is sticking to her beliefs. Sabrina goes to leave but Prudence asks where she's going. Sabrina replies that she's going to school. She invites Prudence to come along with her. Prudence accepts after Sabrina tells her there will be boys she can torment.

Principal Hawthorne goes to see "Ms. Wardwell", who is actually Madam Satan. He invites her over to his place for Thanksgiving but she rejects his offer. She tells him that maybe next time she'll take him up on the offer when she's really hungry.


Sabrina takes Prudence to Baxter High

Sabrina introduces Prudence to Harvey, Roz, and Susie, claiming that she is her cousin who is visiting for Thanksgiving. Susie tells them more about Dorothea and how she helped a group of women escaping religious persecution in Scotland. Prudence says that they learned about Dorothea Putnam at the Academy and that she was a true ally to those women and a hero to the marrow. They ask Harvey what he found out. He reveals his family got the mines his father owns in a land grab where they kicked some people who lived in the hills out and took over their land. Sabrina asks Harvey what that means to which Prudence states that by “kicked out” Harvey means killed and by “take over” he means stole. Prudence asks Harvey what his family name is. When he tells her, Prudence begins to attack him verbally because he's a descendant of the Von Kunkles who stole that land from the witches, who founded the Church of Night. Sabrina quickly grabs Prudence and drags her out of the library as she demands blood atonement for the lives lost to the hunter. Prudence asks Sabrina how she could think that she would find the meaning of life at her school as her friends don't even know that she's a witch. She is also upset that Sabrina’s boyfriend is a witch hunter. Sabrina tells her that Harvey isn’t a witch hunter but Prudence replies that she and her sisters have a very simple philosophy when it comes to witch hunters: "kill them before they have the chance to kill us." Sabrina retorts that if Prudence lays a finger on Harvey, she will tear her to pieces. Madam Satan interrupts their fight and takes the two of them to her office.


Sabrina and Ms. Wardwell try to convince Prudence

In Ms. Wardwell's office, Sabrina says that she knows that the Feast is witch tradition but wants Ms. Wardwell to talk some sense into Prudence and tell her that the feast has no purpose, not if the cost is precious life. Prudence argues that the reward is eternal glory in the Dark Lords Heart. Madam Satan tells Sabrina about the research that she did and that even though Prudence doesn’t want to take advice from an excommunicate such as herself, there is someone she should meet: a witch who rejected the crown of being Queen. She lives deep in the Greendale Woods in Moon Valley. Prudence is in disbelief and agrees to go with them but only if she can bring her sisters.

Meanwhile, Hilda and Ambrose talk to Connor's mom. Ambrose asks if there's been any leads. Mrs. Kemper found a box full of occult objects. She believes that it may be connected to his death. Ambrose offers to look over the objects if she can bring them over.


Sabrina, Madame Satan and the Weird Sisters visit a Feast of Feast ex-Queen

Madam Satan takes Sabrina, Prudence, Dorcas, and Agatha into the woods to meet Dezmelda, the runaway Feast Queen. She informs them that she ran from her High Priest, who had a revelation, delivered unto him by the Dark Lord, allegedly. The night before the feast, the High Priest was to "initiate" Dezmelda, who was just a child. Rather than allow herself to be violated, she fled into the woods and have lived there ever since. Sabrina attempts to convince Prudence not to put all her trust into Father Blackwood and the Dark Lord.

Harvey, Tommy, Mr. Kinkle, and Grandpa Kinkle are also hunting in the Greendale woods. They spot a deer and Grandpa Kinkle tells them to let Harvey shoot it since it's his first time.


The Kinkles go hunting

Prudence argues that Father Blackwood doesn't have an agenda like Dezmelda's High Priest and that he has always been like a father to her. Prudence wants to be Queen and asks why Sabrina can't accept that. Suddenly, they hear a gunshot and Dezmelda tells them to leave. They find a dead familiar in the shape of a dear. They make a circle around the deer and use string to make a pentagram around it. They become invisible just as the Kinkles arrive at the site. Seeing that there isn't a dead deer, they continue to look. Prudence, upset by the kill, exclaims "Once a hunter, always a hunter." Sabrina tells her Harvey's not a hunter but Madam Satan notes he certainly looks the part. Prudence agrees by stating his whole family is witch hunters. Agatha and Dorcas want to kill him for murdering the familiar. Sabrina insists that Harvey isn't a killer. Prudence asks how her faith in Harvey is any different than Prudence's faith in the Dark Lord.


Roz learns about the Walker women's curse

Roz and Susie go to visit Roz's grandma. Ruth greets Susie as a "handsome fella." Roz corrects her, but Susie doesn't mind. Roz asks her grandma how the Walker women get "the Cunning." Nana Ruth tells her that they were cursed by the witches in Greendale with blindness generations ago after one of their kin accused someone of being a witch. She doesn't know if the blindness brought on the Cunning or if it was something that was already there. Nana Ruth says that one thing is certain; she will go blind, but the Cunning will help her see things that will save her life.

Sabrina arrives back at the mortuary and finds Harvey waiting for her. He tells how they went hunting in Mon Valley. Harvey says that he didn't shoot the deer, but his grandpa did and he regrets not stopping them. Harvey exclaims that he doesn't fit in with his family. Sabrina hugs him and agrees that he's nothing like them. As she does, she whispers a spell.


Constance reveals she set Prudence up to die

Sabrina goes inside and Zelda pops her head out from the morgue. She tells Sabrina to help her as she has Lady Blackwood downstairs. Lady Blackwood is having a panic attack and fears that she's going to lose her babies. Zelda asks if she's done any spellcasting lately and Lady Blackwood says that she has but that she had to. Lady Blackwood looks at Sabrina and says that she must understand. Sabrina doesn't but says yes anyway. Sabrina asks who is plotting against her and Lady Blackwood reveals it's the Weird Sisters. Zelda asks why that would be. Lady Blackwood believes they want to hurt her children. So she hurt them first. Kill one and the others are of no consequence.

Sabrina is curious why Lady Blackwood would think that the Weird Sisters are out to get her. Zelda think that maybe Father Blackwood has other children. He wouldn't be the first High Priest with bastard children. Sabrina asks how that would harm the twins. Zelda explains that then they all would have the opportunity to take over the throne as High Priest.


Sabrina warns Prudence

Sabrina goes to the Academy to warn Prudence that it wasn't Father Blackwood who was out to get her. It was Lady Blackwood. Sabrina asks if it's possible that she really is Father Blackwood's child. Because if she were then Lady Blackwood would see her as a threat. Prudence tells her to stop but Sabrina keeps going on about how Lady Blackwood had to hurt her first and how she could potentially lay claim to Blackwood's seat. Prudence asks if she has any proof. Sabrina recalls that Lady Blackwood was the one who had been holding the lottery box at the selection ceremony. Agatha and Dorcas look up to Prudence, also waiting for her repsonse to Sabrina. Prudence asks what they would do if she entertained the idea. Sabrina tells her that every Queen deserves one last feast.

Dorothea briefly appears to Susie in her sleep before she is awakened by her father. Elsewhere, Harvey and Tommy end up being the only ones awake to celebrate Thanksgiving because their father and grandfather are drunk.

Sabrina welcomes Father Blackwood and Lady Blackwood into the house. They sit down with the Weird sisters, Zelda, and Sabrina, to have dinner. Hilda is in the kitchen making dessert.

Madam Satan is having a glass of wine when there's a knock at the door. It's the pizza guy with her pizza. She tells him to bring it inside and closes the door behind him.


The Spellmans host a dinner with the Blackwoods and the Weird sisters

Sabrina brings out dessert in which Hilda has added a truth potion. After everyone has a slice of cake, Sabrina asks Father Blackwood why he reinstated the Feast of Feasts. He claims that when he became High Priest after Edward died, the Dark Lord showed him a revelation. He was commanded to return to the old ways and traditions. Sabrina tells Prudence that she hopes she enjoyed her last supper and that she'll miss her. Everyone around the table feels the same-- except Lady Blackwood. Constance reveals that she enchanted the box to choose Prudence as queen. She did it because Prudence is Father Blackwood's child, which makes them a threat to Constance's children. Prudence asks Father Blackwood if he is her father and what happened to her mother. He reveals that he is her father and that her mother threw herself into the river after he refused to marry her. Agatha and Dorcas ask if they are also his children and he says no. They are just orphans. Prudence admits that Sabrina was right. Father Blackwood says that they must summon the coven and draw for another queen. Sabrina suggests that they simply outlaw the Feast of Feasts. Prudence asks if she can still wear her beautiful dress and sit on the throne of skulls.


Feast of Feasts ceremony

The Feast of Feasts ceremony is underway. Prudence sits upon the throne of skulls. Father Blackwood walks in and explains to the coven that there will not be a Feast of Feasts. The coven is enraged, so much so, that another witch named Mildred steps up, slits her throat, and falls before the altar. The coven looks to Father Blackwood for permission and after a moment of suspense, he gives it to them, much to Sabrina's horror. The witches begin to attack the body and tear it apart as they eat while Sabrina, Zelda, and Nick watch in disgust.

Hilda informs Luke and Ambrose that Connor's parents committed suicide and are being brought to the mortuary. Zelda and Sabrina arrive home moments later. Sabrina asks Zelda if she had been picked would she have let them do to her what they just witnessed. Zelda she never would've allowed Sabrina to be eaten, not even if it was the Dark Lord's will.


Agatha and Dorcas plot to kill Harvey and Tommy

Harvey and Tommy have to work the mines the day after Thanksgiving. Elsewhere, Prudence finds her sisters huddled together. She asks what they're doing and they claim that they are praying for her. Prudence leaves and Dorcas asks if they should've invited her. Agatha says no as she holds up a doll that looks like Tommy. Dorcas holds one that looks like Harvey. The two of them pick up large rocks and smash the rocks down on top of them. Let sticks and stones break the witch hunters' bones.