
Order of Hecate

It is said that whenever you call on the Triple Goddess, she comes to you. As much as I ignored her, put my faith in lesser gods, signed my name in other books, she still came to me when I needed her most.

The Order of Hecate is a coven of witches that mostly consists of former members of the Church of Night. It is lead by Zelda Spellman who, after spending time in the Nether Realm (Witch Limbo), realized that they should worship the Triple Goddess, Hecate. 


After returning from witch limbo, Zelda went to the Cain Pit, where she buried Hilda, and with the help of her fellow witches, they called on the triple goddess Hecate. "It is said that whenever you call on the Triple Goddess, she comes to you. As much as I ignored her, put my faith in lesser gods, signed my name in other books, she still came to me when I needed her most. When I wandered, lost in the Nether Realm, it was she who led me back to the material world. We call you, Hecate. We call on you now, maiden, in your unbounded potential. We call on you, mother, in all your divine power. We call on you, crone, in your arcane wisdom. We are descended of all maidens, mothers, and crones. And so, when we call on the three-in-one, we call on all witches stretching back from the beginning of time to the end of days. We call on ourselves, the powers that have been denied us. Imbue us with them, Hecate, and we shall pray to you morning, noon, and night. And we shall live to honor thy three faces, thy three forms. Dark mother, keeper of the key to the door between worlds, we summon thee. Return our sister Hilda to the realm of the living, and we will never forget you again!" The wind suddenly stops blowing and Hilda’s hand rises from the dirt.

It was in that moment that Zelda, High Priestess of the Church of Night, decided to rename the coven to the Order of Hecate.[1]

Coven Members[]




Part 3[]

Part 4[]


