- ️Tue Dec 31 2024
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N. 28 (2024): Digital aesthetics (ed. Giulia Andreini, Renato Boccali)/ Forme ed estetiche del disgusto (ed. Davide Ciprandi, Mirko Lino)
Pubblicato: 2024-12-31
Digital Aesthetics
Building Bridges: The Importance of Bringing Together the Empirical Sciences & the Humanities
Rebekah M. Rodriguez-Boerwinkle, Eva Specker
Extended Realities
Artificial “intelligence” and the ontology of art: A phenomenological inquiry
Anna Ballatore, Francesca Ballatore
Beyond the Algorithm. Ethical and aesthetic challenges of AI in music
Alessandra Corbelli
Forme ed estetiche del disgusto
Nudity, Blood and Scopophilia. Disgust in Roman Polanski’s Macbeth
Giulia Argentieri Federzoni
Sights and Sounds of Disgusting Abjections: The Monstrous Feminine in The Exorcist (1973)
Ilaria Franciotti, Valerio Sbravatti
ISSN 2039-9251
This opera by Itinera - Rivista di filosofia e di teoria delle arti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Share alike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Registrazione n° 593 del 12/11/2010 del Tribunale di Milano
2010 - Pubblicato in Italia. Alcuni diritti riservati