Europarlamentari pentru Regatul Unit 1989-1994 - Wikipedia
De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
Delegație | (1973) |
1 termen | (1979) |
2 termen | (1984) |
3 termen | (1989) |
4 termen | (1994) |
5 termen | (1999) |
6 termen | (2004) |
Această infocasetă: vizualizare • discuție • modificare |
Aceasta este o listă a membrilor Parlamentului European pentru Regatul Unit pentru sesiunea 1989-1994, aranjați după nume.
Nume | Partid | Regiune |
Gordon Adam | Lab | Northumbria |
Richard Balfe | Lab | London South Inner |
Roger Barton | Lab | Sheffield |
Christopher Beazley | Con | Cornwall & Plymouth |
Peter Beazley | Con | Bedfordshire South |
Lord Bethell | Con | London North West |
John Bird | Lab | Midlands West |
David Bowe | Lab | Cleveland & Yorkshire North |
Janey Buchan | Lab | Glasgow |
Bryan Cassidy | Con | Dorset East & Hampshire West |
Sir Frederick Catherwood | Con | Cambridgeshire & Bedfordshire North |
Ken Coates | Lab | Nottingham |
Kenneth Collins | Lab | Strathclyde East |
Peter Crampton | Lab | Humberside |
Christine Crawley | Lab | Birmingham East |
Margaret Daly | Con | Somerset & Dorset West |
Wayne David | Lab | Wales South |
Alan Donnelly | Lab | Tyne and Wear |
Hon. James Elles | Con | Oxford & Buckinghamshire |
Michael Elliott | Lab | London West |
Winifred Ewing | SNP | Highlands and Islands |
Alex Falconer | Lab | Scotland Mid & Fife |
Glyn Ford | Lab | Greater Manchester East |
Pauline Green | Lab | London North |
Lyndon Harrison | Lab | Cheshire West |
Michael Hindley | Lab | Lancashire East |
Geoff Hoon | Lab | Derbyshire |
Paul Howell | Con | Norfolk |
Stephen Hughes | Lab | Durham |
John Hume | SDLP | Northern Irelanda |
Caroline Jackson | Con | Wiltshire |
Christopher Jackson | Con | Kent East |
Edward Kellett-Bowman | Con | Hampshire Central |
Alfred Lomas | Lab | London North East |
David Martin | Lab | Lothians |
Henry McCubbin | Lab | Scotland North East |
Michael McGowan | Lab | Leeds |
Anne McIntosh | Con | Essex North East |
Hugh McMahon | Lab | Strathclyde West |
Edward McMillan-Scott | Con | York |
Tom Megahy | Lab | Yorkshire South West |
James Moorhouse | Con | London South & Surrey East |
David Morris | Lab | Wales Mid & West |
Stanley Newens | Lab | London Central |
Edward Newman | Lab | Greater Manchester Central |
Bill Newton Dunn | Con | Lincolnshire |
James Nicholson | OUP | Northern Irelanda |
Christine Oddy | Lab | Midlands Central |
Lord O'Hagan | Con | Devon |
Ian Paisley | DUP | Northern Irelanda |
Ben Patterson | Con | Kent West |
Lord Plumb | Con | Cotswolds |
Anita Pollack | Lab | London South West |
Derek Prag | Con | Hertfordshire |
Peter Price | Con | London South East |
Christopher Prout | Con | Shropshire & Stafford |
Patricia Rawlings | Con | Essex South West |
Mel Read | Lab | Leicester |
James Scott-Hopkins | Con | Hereford & Worcester |
Barry Seal | Lab | Yorkshire West |
Madron Seligman | Con | Sussex West |
Richard Simmonds | Con | Wight & Hampshire East |
Anthony Simpson | Con | Northamptonshire |
Brian Simpson | Lab | Cheshire East |
Alex Smith | Lab | Scotland South |
Llewellyn Smith | Lab | Wales South East |
Tom Spencer | Con | Surrey West |
John Stevens | Con | Thames Valley |
George Stevenson | Lab | Staffordshire East |
Kenneth Stewart | Lab | Merseyside West |
Jack Stewart-Clark | Con | Sussex East |
Gary Titley | Lab | Greater Manchester West |
John Tomlinson | Lab | Birmingham West |
Carole Tongue | Lab | London East |
Amédée Turner | Con | Suffolk |
Richard Fletcher-Vane | Con | Cumbria & Lancashire North |
Michael Welsh | Con | Lancashire Central |
Norman West | Lab | Yorkshire South |
Ian White | Lab | Bristol |
Joe Wilson | Lab | Wales North |
Terry Wynn | Lab | Merseyside East |