Fișier:Dronning victoria.jpg - Wikipedia

  • ️Invalid Date
Henry Pierce Bone: Queen Victoria (1819-1901)  wikidata:Q123139938 reasonator:Q123139938
Henry Pierce Bone (1779–1855)  wikidata:Q5727002
Henry Pierce Bone
Nume alternative

H.P. Bone

Descriere enamel painter britanic
fiu of Henry Bone
Data nașterii/decesului 6 noiembrie 1779 Modificați la Wikidata 21 octombrie 1855 Modificați la Wikidata
Locul nașterii/decesului Londra Modificați la Wikidata Londra Modificați la Wikidata
Authority file
După George Hayter (1792–1871)  wikidata:Q3760522
După George Hayter
Descriere pictor și artist grafic britanic
Data nașterii/decesului 17 decembrie 1792 Modificați la Wikidata 18 ianuarie 1871 Modificați la Wikidata
Locul nașterii/decesului Londra Modificați la Wikidata Londra
Locul de lucru
Authority file

image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page



Queen Victoria (1819-1901) Modificați la Wikidata

Portretul al lui Queen Victoria in her coronation robes

Object type pictură
Gen portret Modificați la Wikidata

Portrait miniature of Hayter's 1838 state portrait of Queen Victoria. Part of the 'Bone Set of Enamels of the English Sovereigns and Queens from Edwd. III to Queen Victoria.'

Persoane reprezentate Victoria a Regatului Unit Modificați la Wikidata
Dată august 1843
Mediu email pe cupru
Dimensiuni înălțime: 14,7 cm; lățime: 12,2 cm
Royal Collection   wikidata:Q1459037
Royal Collection
Denumire oficială Royal Collection of the United Kingdom
Înființare după 1491
Site web
Authority file
Număr de inventar

RCIN 422373

Loc de fabricare Londra Modificați la Wikidata
Istoricul obiectului 1843: achiziționat de către Prince Albert

Queen Victoria
London Augt 1843: Painted by Her
Majesty’s command, by Henry Pierce
Bone Enamel Painter to Her Majesty
& H.R.H. Prince Albert &c.
From the Original by Sir George
Hayter Principal Painter in
Ordinary to Her Majesty M.A.S.C &c.

on the yellow counter-enamel in red paint
Note This appears to be a copy (by Bone) of the primary version of the portrait painted by Hayter in 1838, which is in the Royal Collection. Hayter painted many copies, and others painted later copies, almost all of which vary slightly in details.
  • RCIN 401213 the primary version, in the Royal Collection (available on Commons: see gallery below)
  • RCIN 405185 copy by Hayter in the Royal Collection (cropped version available on Commons: see gallery below; also source for second upload of this file)
  • GAC 0/685 copy by Hayter in the Government Art Collection (original upload was cropped from an image of this painting)
  • GAC 0/664 copy by Hayter in the Government Art Collection
  • GAC 0/669 copy by Hayter in the Government Art Collection
  • GAC 0/792 copy by Hayter in the Government Art Collection
Sursă/Fotograf Royal Collection RCIN 422373
Alte versiuni
  • the primary version, in the Royal Collection

    the primary version, in the Royal Collection

  • cropped image of replica by Hayter in the Royal Collection

    cropped image of replica by Hayter in the Royal Collection