Person Details | DPRR
SERV1629 Q. Servilius (49) Cn. f. Cn. n. Caepio
- Patrician
Ascon. Corn. 78C
Life Dates
- 150?, birth (Zmeskal 2009)
105, expelled from Senate (DPRR Team)
Liv. Per. 67, Ascon. Corn. 78.9-13 Clark (expelled under lex Cassia de abactis damnatis).
103, exiled (Kelly 2006)
Never restored. Kelly no. 17, Alexander no .66.
son of
- ? Q. Servilius (48) Cn. f. Cn. n. Caepio (cos. 140) (Zmeskal 2009) brother of
- ? Servilia (98) (daughter of? Q. Servilius (48) Cn. f. Cn. n. Caepio (cos. 140)) (DPRR Team) father of
Servilia (99)
(daughter of Q. Servilius (49) Cn. f. Cn. n. Caepio (cos. 106))
(Zmeskal 2009)
Strab. IV 1.13 (188 C)
Q. Servilius (50) Caepio
(pr. before 90)
(Zmeskal 2009)
CIL 5.396
Legatus (Lieutenant)
(Broughton MRR I)
- Named in an inscription of Bargylia as serving under Aquillius in Asia (Holleaux, REA 21 [1919] 7-16, republished by L. Robert in Etudes d'epigraphie et d'histoire grecques 2.179-198). (Broughton MRR I)
- Cos. 106. Leg., lieut. 129. Mistakenly listed as a tr. mil. in MRR 1.505. Named in an inscription of Bargylia as serving under M'. Aquillius in Asia in 129 (Holleaux, REA 21, 1919, 7-16; C. P. Jones, Chiron 4, 1974, 192, note 49). His title is given as # in an inscription of Maionia in Lydia (P. Herrmann, Denkschr. Akad. Wien, p.-h. Kl. 80, 1962, 5, no. 2; J. and L. Robert, Bull. Epig. 1963, 165, no. 220). Cos. 106. G. Tibiletti holds that a fragment of his Lex iudiciaria may be preserved in the Fragmentum Tarentinum (Athenaeum 31, 1953, 1-100, esp. 38-57, 73-75). (Broughton MRR III)
Legatus (Lieutenant)
(Broughton MRR I)
- See 129, Tribunes of the Soldiers. (Broughton MRR I)
- Cos. 106. Leg., lieut. 129. Mistakenly listed as a tr. mil. in MRR 1.505. Named in an inscription of Bargylia as serving under M'. Aquillius in Asia in 129 (Holleaux, REA 21, 1919, 7-16; C. P. Jones, Chiron 4, 1974, 192, note 49). His title is given as # in an inscription of Maionia in Lydia (P. Herrmann, Denkschr. Akad. Wien, p.-h. Kl. 80, 1962, 5, no. 2; J. and L. Robert, Bull. Epig. 1963, 165, no. 220). Cos. 106. G. Tibiletti holds that a fragment of his Lex iudiciaria may be preserved in the Fragmentum Tarentinum (Athenaeum 31, 1953, 1-100, esp. 38-57, 73-75). (Broughton MRR III)
Legatus (Lieutenant)?
(Broughton MRR I)
- Cos. 106. Leg., lieut. 129. Mistakenly listed as a tr. mil. in MRR 1.505. Named in an inscription of Bargylia as serving under M'. Aquillius in Asia in 129 (Holleaux, REA 21, 1919, 7-16; C. P. Jones, Chiron 4, 1974, 192, note 49). His title is given as # in an inscription of Maionia in Lydia (P. Herrmann, Denkschr. Akad. Wien, p.-h. Kl. 80, 1962, 5, no. 2; J. and L. Robert, Bull. Epig. 1963, 165, no. 220). Cos. 106. G. Tibiletti holds that a fragment of his Lex iudiciaria may be preserved in the Fragmentum Tarentinum (Athenaeum 31, 1953, 1-100, esp. 38-57, 73-75). (Broughton MRR III)
- Pontifex? 120 to 103 (Rüpke 2005)
before 108
Hispania Ulterior
(Brennan 2000)
- Won victories over the Lusitani (Eutrop. 4.27.5; Val. Max. 6.9.13; see 108, and 107, Promagistrates). (Broughton MRR I)
- p. 745, footnote 231 (Brennan 2000)
Hispania Ulterior
(Broughton MRR I)
- Proconsul (Act. Tr.) in Farther Spain (see 109, Praetors, and 107, Promagistrates). (Broughton MRR I)
Hispania Ulterior
(Broughton MRR I)
- Celebrated as Proconsul his triumph from Farther Spain (Act. Tr., Degrassi 84f., with title Pro[cos.]; cf. Val. Max. 6.9.13; Eutrop. 4.27.5). (Broughton MRR I)
- Pontifex Maximus? 107 to 103 (Rüpke 2005)
(Rich 2014)
- Triumph ex Hispania Ulteriore. MRR I.552, Itgenshorst no. 229, Rich no. 229. (Rich 2014)
(Broughton MRR I)
- CIL 1 .2.677, 678; Fast. Ant., Degrassi 162f. (Q. Servili. Ca[epio, C. Atili.] Serra.); Obseq. 41; Chr. 354 (Serrano et Ceplo); Fast. Hyd. (Serrano et Caepione), so also Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.; on Caepio, Fast. Cap., 1 Degrassi 54f. ([Q. Servil]ius Cn. f. Cn.[n.- - - -]), 128, 476f.; Val. Max. 6.9.13; and on Serranus, Cic. Planc. 12; Rab. Perd. 21. Servilius secured passage of a law to restore senators to the juries in the quaestio de repetundis (Cic. Inv. 1.92; De Or. 2.199f., and 223; Brut. 161-164; Cluent. 140; Val. Max. 6.9.13), along with the knights, according to the Livian tradition (Liv. 66, in Cassiod. MGH 11, p. 132; Obseq. 41), but exclusively, according to another (Tac. Ann. 12.60; cf. Ascon. 79 C). In Gaul he attacked the Volcae Tectosages and seized the sacred treasure at Tolosa, which disappeared under suspicious circumstances while being transported to Massilia for dispatch to Rome (Strabo 4.1.13, quoting Posidonius and Timagenes; Gell. 3.9.7; Dio 27, fr. 90; Iustin. 32.3.9-11; Oros. 5.15.25, proconsule; cf. Cic. ND 3.64; Auct. Vir. Ill. 73.5). (Broughton MRR I)
Gallia Narbonensis
(Broughton MRR I)
- Proconsul in Gaul (Liv. Per. 67), where his refusal to cooperate with the Consul Mallius led to a disastrous defeat on Oct. 6 at the hands of the Cimbri and the Teutoni and their allies (Liv. Per. 67; Flor. 1.38.4; Gran. Lic. 17 B; Dio 27, fr. 91.1-4; Eutrop. 5.1.1; Oros. 5.16.17, quoting Antias, fr. 63 Peter; cf. Cic. De Or. 2.197; Sall. Iug. 114.1; Vell. 2.12.2; Tac. Germ. 37; Plut. Mar. 11.8; 16.5; 19.2; Luc. 27.7; Sert. 3.1; App. Illyr. 4; Iustin 32.3.11; Veg. RM 3.10; Ps.-Quintil. Decl. 3.13). His imperium was abrogated by the people (Liv. Per. 67; Ascon. 78 C), and he was later debarred from office and exiled (see 104 and 103, Tribunes of the Plebs). (Broughton MRR I)