Person Details | DPRR

VATI2297 P. Vatinius (3) P. f. Ser.


  • Novus Expand

    Cic. N.D. 3.5.11 (homini rustico)

Life Dates

  • 95?, birth (Rüpke 2005)
  • 41?, death (Rüpke 2005) Expand

    Shortly after 42


grandson of
P. Vatinius (1) (grandfather of P. Vatinius (3) P. f. Ser. (cos. 47)) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Cic. nat. deor. II 6.

married to
Antonia (111) (daughter of M. Antonius (29) M. f. Creticus (pr. 74)) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Cic. Vatin. 28, Cic. Vatin. 29

Cornelia (415) (daughter of L. Cornelius (327) Scipio Asiagenus Aemilianus? (sen. 82)) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

CIL 6.1296=1.2.821

Pompeia (56) (daughter of? Cn. Pompeius (45) Sex. f. Cn. n. Strabo 'Menogenes' (cos. 89)) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Cic. fam. V 11.2

related to
? Iulia (543) (daughter of? L. Iulius (142) L. f. Sex. n. Caesar (cos. 90)) (Zmeskal 2009)


  • Quaestor 63 Rome, Italia (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Elected last, he was allotted the provincia aquaria. Sent by Cicero to Puteoli to prevent the export of precious metals (Cic. Vat. 11-12). See Lübker 1094, no. 2. (Broughton MRR II)
  • Legatus (Lieutenant) 62 Hispania Ulterior (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Legate under Cosconius in Farther Spain (Cic. Vat. 12). See Lübker 1094. (Broughton MRR II)
  • Tribunus Plebis 59 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • The chief supporter in the tribunicial college of Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus (Cic. Att. 2.6.2; 2.24; Vat. 5 and 13 and 38, and passim; Sest. 114; Suet. Iul. 20; Plut. Pomp. 48; Cae.8. 14; Cat. Min. 32-33; App. BC 2.11-12; Dio 38.1-7; Schol. Bob. 135, 145-147, 151 Stangl). His legislation included bills to permit rejection of alternate jurymen in forming a panel, and setting limits to the staff of a provincial governor (Cic. Vat. 27; Planc. 36; Schol. Bob. 97, 149-150 Stangl), the famous law granting to Caesar for a period of five years command of Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum (to which Transalpine Gaul was later added by the Senate) (Cic. Vat. 36; Prov. Cons. 36-37; Liv. Per. 103; Vell. 2.44.5; Suet. Iul. 22; Plut. Caeq. 14; Pomp. 48.3; Crass. 14.3; Cat. Min. 33.3; App. BC 2.13; Dio 38.8.5; Oros. 6.7.1; Schol. Bob. 146 Stangl), one authorizing the foundation of a colony at Novum Comum (Suet. Iul. 28.3; cf. Cic. Att. 5.11.2; Strabo 5.1.6; Plut. Cam. 29.2; App. BC 2.26), and other bills regulating relations with cities, kings, and tetraxchs (Cic. Vat. 29; cf. Att. 2.9. 1; Fam. 1.9.7). He played a (Broughton MRR II)
    • p. 257-63 (Thommen 1989)
  • Legatus (Lieutenant)? 58 Gallia Transalpina (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Legates under Caesar in Gaul. The four unnamed Legates in Caesar's battle with Ariovistus probably were among these (BG 1.52. 1). See 57, Legates; and esp. D.-G. 3.696ff. (Broughton MRR II)
  • Legatus (Lieutenant) 57 Gallia Transalpina (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Legate under Caesar in Gaul (Cic. Vat. 35; Schol. Bob. 150f., Stangl). See Lübker no. 2. (Broughton MRR II)
  • Legatus (Lieutenant) 56 Rome (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Legate under Caesar, but in Rome in 56 while Legate (Cic. Vat. 35, note the present tense; cf. Schol. Bob. 150f. Stangl). (Broughton MRR II)
  • Repulsa (Aed.) 56 (Pina Polo 2012) Expand
    • pp. 65-72 (Pina Polo 2012)
  • Praetor 55 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • By means of bribery, obstruction and violence Pompey and Crassus secured his election to the exclusion of Cato (Cic. QF 2.7.3; Fam. 1.9.19; Liv. Per. 105; Val. Max. 7.5.6; Plut. Cat. Min. 42; Pomp. 52; Mo 39.32.1-2; cf. Quintil. Imt. Or. 6.1.13; 9.2.25). See Lübker no. 2. (Broughton MRR II)
    • p. 755, footnote 471 (Brennan 2000)
  • Legatus (Lieutenant) 51 Gallia Transalpina (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Legate under Caesar in Gaul (Hirt. in Caes. BG 8.46.4). See Lübker no. 2. (Broughton MRR II)
  • Legatus (Lieutenant) 50 Gallia Transalpina (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Legate under Caesar in Gaul (see 51, and 48, Legates). (Broughton MRR II)
  • Legatus (Lieutenant) 49 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • See 51, and 48, Legates. (Broughton MRR II)
  • Legatus (Lieutenant) 48 Epirus, Italia (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • A Legate of Caesar, who attempted to begin a peace parley for him at the Apsus in Epirus (Caes. BC 3.19, and 90.1). He later defended Brundisium from the attacks of Laelius (Caes. BC 3.100), and aided Cicero when he returned there (Cic. Att. 11.5.4, and 9.2; cf. Auct. Bell. Alex. 44.1). See 47, Legates. (Broughton MRR II)
  • Consul 47 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • CIL 12.2.779, 939; Fast. Cap., Degrassi 56f., 133, 498f.; Fast. Ost., ibid. 182; Fast. Amer., ibid. 242, with Iulius for Fufiu.9; Dio 42, Index; Chr. 354; Fast. Hyd.; Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod. They were elected after Caesar's return from the East in September (Dio 42.55.4; cf. on Vatinius, Macrob. 2.3.5). See below, Legates. (Broughton MRR II)
  • Legatus (Lieutenant) 47 Illyricum (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Legate of Caesar, who during the early part of 47 defeated M. Octavius and recovered Illyricum for Caesar's Proquaestor Q. Cornificius (Bell. Alex. 44-47; cf. Bell. Afr. 10.2; see Promagistrates, on Cornificius, and Legates, on Octavius). See above, Consuls. (Broughton MRR II)
  • Augur 47 to after 42 (Rüpke 2005) Expand
    • Elected in succession to Ap. Claudius Pulcher (Vatinius, in Cic. Fam. 5.10A.2; see 48, Augurs). (Broughton MRR II)
    • There is no further mention of him after his triumph on July 31 of this year (see above, Promagistrates). (Broughton MRR II)
  • Proconsul 45 Illyricum (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Proconsul in Illyricum with three legions, who was assigned the task of recovering the greater part of the province (Cic. Fam. 5. 9-11, the latest dated in October, 45; App. Illyr. 13; cf. Cic. Phil. 10.13; Dio 47.21.6). He was acclaimed Imperator, and a supplicatio was decreed for his successes (Cic. Fam. 5.10b, and 11; cf. Phil. 10.13). See Sternkopf, Hermes 47 (1912) 329. (Broughton MRR II)
  • Proconsul 44 Illyricum (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Proconsul in Illyricum (see 45, and 42, Promagistrates; cf. Cic. Fam. 5. 10), where he remained until late in 44 or early in 43. He resisted the attempt of C. Antonins (see above) to tamper with his troops at Dyrrachium, but later was forced to yield his forces and territory to Brutus (Cic. Phil. 10.11 and 13; Liv. Per. 118; Vell. 2.69.3-4; Plut. Brut. 25-26; App. BC 4.75; Illyr. 13; Dio 47.21.6-7; see 43, Promagistrates). See Lübker no. 2; Sternkopf, (Broughton MRR II)
  • Proconsul 43 Illyricum (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Proconsul in Illyricum (see 44, and 42, Promagistrates). There is no evidence regarding his activities in 43. (Broughton MRR II)
  • Proconsul 42 Italia (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • 1 The use of the terms Legate and Proconsul under the Second Triumvirate is of necessity attended by uncertainty and confusion. Commanders, like Ventidius Bassus, who were for the most part ex-Consuls, held command over large and important areas and armies, and apparently acted with considerable initiative, are termed Legati in Latin sources such as the Periochae of Livy and Florus and # in Dio (Liv. Per. 127, 128; Flor. 2.19; Dio 48.41.5; cf. 49.21, and Act. Tr. for 38, on the title and triumph of Ventidius), and yet many of them appear in the lists of triumphs as Proconsuls. In mentioning the triumph of Domitius Calvinus, Dio (48.42.3-4) remarks that those in power granted honors at will # (see also 49.42.3; 54.12.1-2). Mommsen finds the beginning of this contradiction in Caesar's grant of triumphs at the end of 45 to his Legates Fabius Maximus and Q. Pedius (see 45, Promagistrates). Like these, the later commanders were Legates also under the superior imperium of the Triumviri, and their appearance as Proconsuls depended upon a fictive grant of imperium for the day of their triumph (Str. 1.125, 130f.; 2.245, note 1). The term Proconsul cannot refer to their status in command since a Legate never had more than an imperium pro praetore. The term Legatus pro consule does not occur, and indeed cannot occur because it is intrinsically self-contradictory (ibid. 1.130f.). Moreover it was simply this permission to triumph that made it logically possible for some of these Legates to accept acclamation as Imperator (see, on Sosius, Mommsen Str. 1.125). Mommsen's doctrine is difficult to test because in nearly all cases no official inscriptions remain from the period of command, and several of the commands are known only from the record of the triumph (see 34-32, Promagistrates, on Norbanus Flaccus, Statilius Taurus, Marcius Philippus, Olaudius Pulcher, and L. Cornificius). The term Legatus in Livy and Florus is strongly in his favor, since Die might have been affected by the regular system of Legati pro praetore in the Empire. However, as Canter saw (46-55), the situation was more complicated. The illogicality of a subordinate with an imperium pro consule occurs under Antony on the official coinage in Greece of M. lunius Silanus, who terms himself Quaestor pro consule (see 34, Promagistrates; note that in the Empire Pliny could be given the exceptional position of Legatus pro praetore consulari potestate), and raises the question how many commanders senior to Silanus may not also have held an imperium pro consule under the superior imperium of the Triumviri. Moreover, Sosius (Cos. 32) apparently termed himself Imperator on his coinage from 37 B. C. (see 37, Promagistrates), on a rather distant anticipation of the moment of a fictive grant of imperium pro consule for a day in 34; and there were others, like Laronius (see 33, Consules Suffecti), who took the title Imperator and did not triumph at all. The period of the Second Triumvirate was a period of transition in which irregularities and illogicalities could frequently occur in the government of the Roman Empire, before the Augustan regime rebuilt the pattern anew. I have therefore been inclined to keep the question open; and to list among the Promagistrates the holders of important commands under Octavian and Antony who received acclamation as Imperatores or celebrated triumphs. It must be granted that the superior position of the Triumvirs in this period made the difference between the functions of a Promagistrate and of a Legate much less than it had been before. See Ganter 46-55. (Broughton MRR II)
    • Proconsul in Illyricum (see 44, and 43, Promagistrates), who in this year celebrated on July 31 a triumph de Illurico (Act. Tr., Degrassi 86f., 567f.; Fast. Barb., ibid. 342f.). (Broughton MRR II)
  • Triumphator 42 (Rich 2014) Expand
    • Triumph de Illurico. MRR II.363, Itgenshorst no. 272, Rich no. 273. (Rich 2014)