The forms of the names used by Cicero (Brut. 62) explain the variations in the MSS of Livy and Dionysius (Fasti Cons., CIL 1(2), p. 99; Conway-Walters on Livy 2.19.1). (Broughton MRR I)
Liv. 2.19.1 (M. Manlius Tullus); Cic. Brut. 62; Dion. Hal. 5.52.1, and 57; 6.69.3; Chr. 354 (Cornuto et Longo); Fast. Hyd. (Camerino et Longo); so also Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.; Zon. 7.13; Degrassi 88, 350f. Dion. Hal. records a war with Fidenae, and the suppression of a conspiracy in the city (as in 63 B.C.); and has Longus die at the Ludi Romani (5.52.1-57.5; Zon. 7.13). (Broughton MRR I)
Dion. Hal. lists only eight, but Jacoby notes evidence of lacunae before and after the name of Servilius, but it is not sure whether more than the cognomina have been lost. One of the missing names is Larcius, who took an active part in the discussions (6.81.1-82.1), and whose name may have followed that of Aebutius since the latter's cognomen Helva has apparently been replaced by that of Larcius Flavus. Valerius is represented as the senior member in both Dion. Hal. (6.71.1), and possibly in the Elogium (CIL 1(2), p. 189; Inscr. Ital. 13.3.60 and 78), a version which minimizes the part otherwise assigned to Menenius Agrippa (Liv. 2.32.8 and 33.10-11; Dion. Hal. 6.83.1-88.2). For the many later references to Agrippa's parable, see RE. (Broughton MRR I)
List by Dion. Hal. (6.69.3 and 81.1-82.1) of a group of ten envoys, all consulars but one, sent to treat with the leaders of the secession of the Plebs. (Broughton MRR I)