Person Details | DPRR

CORN2394 P. Cornelius (239) P. f. Lentulus Spinther


  • Patrician

Life Dates

  • 75?, birth (Rüpke 2005)
  • 43, proscribed (Hinard 1985) Expand

    Hinard 43 no. 48

  • 42?, death - violent (Broughton MRR II) Expand

    KIA, at Philippi?


son of
P. Cornelius (238) P. f. L. n. Lentulus Spinther (cos. 57) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Cic. ad Q. fr. II 3.1, Cic. Sest. 144, Cic. Vatin. 25

adopted son of
L. Manlius (79) L. f. Torquatus (cos. 65) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Dio XXXIX 17.1

married to
? Caecilia (137) Metella (married to M. Clodius (6.67) Aesopus) (DPRR Team)
divorced from
Caecilia (137) Metella (married to M. Clodius (6.67) Aesopus) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Cic. Att. XI 23.3, Cic. Att. XIII 7.1


  • Augur 57 to after 42 (Rüpke 2005) Expand
    • A probable member of the college of Augurs on the eve of the death of Hortensius. (Broughton MRR II)
    • Succeeded Q. Hortensius Hortalus. Elected over L. Domitius Ahenobarbus (Cael. in Cic. Fam. 8.14.1; Hirtius in Caes. BG 8.50.1-3; cf. Cic Phil. 2.4 and 78-84; 13.12; Att. 10.16.5, collega noster; Plut. Ant. 5.1; App. BC 3.7; Dio 45.27.5). (Broughton MRR II)
    • See 57, Augurs. Elected before Lentulus Spinther. (Broughton MRR II)
    • A probable member of this college of priests about 31 B. C. In a number of instances the exact date when a priest became a member of his college is not known, and the conjecture is based on evidence of seniority such as the date of the consulship or some other office. The list of the Quindecimviri is based on Miss Hoffman's observation that the names listed in connection with the Saecular Games in 17 B. C. are arranged in the order of entrance into the college (see AJPh 73 [19521289-294). The names given below are drawn from Miss Hoffman's dissertation, The Membership of the Four Major Colleges of Priests from 44 B. C. to 37 A. D. (Bryn Mawr, 1951, available in microfilm). The vacancies caused by the civil wars and the proscriptions were promptly filled with partisans of Antony and Octavian or persons who were restored in 39 by the Treaty of Misenum, for in 36 Messalla Corvinus was added to the college as a supernumerary member. See Dio 48.36.4; 49.16.1; cf. 48.43.2. (Broughton MRR II)
  • Quaestor 44 Asia (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Served in Asia under Trebonius (see 43, Promagistrates). Cf. Cic. Att. 14.11.2, dated April 21, 43. (Broughton MRR II)
  • Proquaestor Pro Propraetore 43 Asia (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Proquaestor pro praetore (Cic. Fam. 12.15, prescript) in Asia. Quaestor under Trebonius, he was expelled by Dolabella, and returned to reoccupy the province and attack a portion of Dolabella's fleet with one of his own (Cic. Fam. 12.14, and 15). He continued to serve under Brutus and Cassius in Asia (Grueber, CRRBM 2.481- 483, without titles; see 42, Legates). (Broughton MRR II)
  • Monetalis? 43 (RRC) Expand
    • See MRR 2.325, 344, 364. On his coinage when serving under Brutus and Cassius in 43-42, see now Crawford, RRC 1.514-515, no. 500. See Shackleton Bailey, Studies 113- 114. (Broughton MRR III)
    • ref. 500 (RRC)
  • Legatus (Lieutenant) 42 Asia, Lycia, Macedonia (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • No title preserved. He served with Cassius against Rhodes and with Brutus in Lycia (App. BC 4.72, and 82), and probably did not survive Philippi. See Grueber, CRRBM 2.481 and 483. (Broughton MRR II)
  • Monetalis? 42 (RRC) Expand
    • See MRR 2.325, 344, 364. On his coinage when serving under Brutus and Cassius in 43-42, see now Crawford, RRC 1.514-515, no. 500. See Shackleton Bailey, Studies 113- 114. (Broughton MRR III)
    • ref. 500 (RRC)