Person Details | DPRR

CAEC3980 Caecilia (78) Attica = Pomponia Attica

Life Dates

  • 28?, death (Zmeskal 2009)


daughter of
? Pilia (3) (sister of Q. Pilius (2) Celer (eq. R. ?)) (Zmeskal 2009)
T. Pomponius (102) Atticus (eq. R.) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Cic. Att. IV 12, Cic. Att. IV 4a.2, Cic. Att. V 11.7, Cic. Att. V 19.2, Cic. Att. VI 1.22, Cic. Att. VI 8.1, Cic. Att. VI 8.5

married to
M. Vipsanius (2) L. f. Agrippa (cos. 37) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Nep. Att. 12.1f.

mother of
Vipsania (1) Agrippina (daughter of M. Vipsanius (2) L. f. Agrippa (cos. 37)) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Suet. Tib. 7.2