Person Details | DPRR

SERV0742 Cn. Servilius (43) Cn. f. Cn. n. Caepio


  • Patrician


son of
? Cn. Servilius (F) (father of? Cn. Servilius (43) Cn. f. Cn. n. Caepio (cos. 253)) (Zmeskal 2009)
cousin of
Q. Servilius (63) Geminus (son of? Q. Servilius (D)) (RE)
P. Servilius (62) Q. f. Cn. n. Geminus (cos. 252) (RE)
father of
? Cn. Servilius (44) Cn. f. Cn. n. Caepio (cos. 203) (Zmeskal 2009)
grandfather of
? Cn. Servilius (44) Cn. f. Cn. n. Caepio (cos. 203) (Zmeskal 2009)


  • Consul 253 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Fast. Cap. (names entire); Act. Tr., on Sempronius; Polyb. 1.39.1; Eutrop. 2.23; Chr. 354; Fast. Hyd.; Chr. Pasc.; Oros. 4.9.10; Solin. 27.40; Cassiod.; Zon. 8.14; see Degrassi, 42f., 116, 434f. The Consuls together ravaged the coast of Africa, but lost most of their fleet in a storm while returning to Italy (Polyb. 1.39.1-6; Diod. 23.19; Eutrop. 2.23; Oros. 4.9.10-12; Solin. 27.40; Zon. 8.14). Sempronius celebrated a triumph De Poenis (<i>Act. Tr.,</i> Degrassi, 76f., 548). (Broughton MRR I)