- ️Tue Jun 13 2017
International Headquarters
The international headquarters of Reporters Without Borders (otherwise known as the international secretariat) is located in Paris. Under the responsibility of Secretary General Christophe Deloire, RSF is organized into five main departments: assistance and advocacy, productions, resources and development, international coordination and campaigns and operations.
Within the latter, geographic offices coordinate activities and feed information from the field through a network of correspondents (130 in total worldwide) and local partners.
La direction internationale

Thibaut Bruttin
Directeur général

Anne Bocandé
Directrice éditoriale

Antoine Bernard
Directeur du plaidoyer et de l’assistance

Elodie Truchon
Directrice générale adjointe en charge des ressources et du développement

Rebecca Vincent
Directrice des campagnes et porte-parolat

Zoé Boissel
Directrice de la communication et de l'engagement
Regional offices
RSF has gradually developed its international presence by setting up regional offices locally in foreign cities.
RSF inaugurated its first offices in Washington and Brussels. In 2016, the regional offices of Tunis and Rio de Janeiro opened their doors, before being followed, in 2017, by London and Taipei. The last opening to date was the Dakar office in 2018.
RSF regional representatives are also located in Istanbul, Mexico City and Algiers.
Reporters Without Borders has six sections: the German, Swedish, Austrian, Swiss, Finnish and Spanish sections.
They have their own budgetary and strategic teams, but work in close collaboration with the Paris headquarters. Section directors are members of the International Board.
Local partners
Over the years, RSF has forged lasting relationships with a dozen or so local partners, whose role is essential in defending and promoting freedom of information in a very concrete way, in the field.
These organizations share RSF's values. Their areas of intervention depend on the specificities of the countries in which they are established (Turkey, Cambodia, Pakistan, Syria, Mexico, etc.).
RSF works hand in hand on joint projects with these organizations, within the framework of partnership agreements established between the two sides.