Умный регион/Татарстан/Партнёры/en — Викимедиа

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Languages: русский · English · татарча / tatarça

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Republic of Tatarstan   Structure   ActionPlan   Measures   Partners   Chronology   Wiki-Lists   Statistics   Districts

This page is for collecting information about «Smart Region.Republic of Tatarstan» project partners.


  1. On behalf of Tatarstan:
    1. Republic of Tatarstan InfoComm Ministry working group — interest in opportunities around raising awareness of the region, Education, Cultural heritage, Tatar
    2. Republic of Tatarstan State Councillor, UNESCO Special Envoy for Intercultural Dialogue Mintimer ShaimievMultilingualism and Education in the framework of growing polilingual education programs
    3. Republic of Tatarstan Presidential Administration Department for Implementation of National Policy - Education, Cultural heritage, Tatar
    4. Republic of Tatarstan Tourism Development Center working groupAwareness of the region, Cultural heritage
    5. Republic of Tatarstan Investment Development Agency working groupTatar, Awareness of the region
  2. On behalf of Kazan organizations:
    1. Selet Fund
    2. Şihabetdin Märcani Tatar Gymnasium No.2 under the auspices of Kazan Federal University
    3. BalaCity International Multilingual School
    4. World Forum of Tatar Youth
    5. Institute of International Relations of Kazan Federal University
    6. TatNet Development Foundation
    7. Kazan State Institute of Culture
    8. Kazan branch of RANEPA
  3. On behalf of Wikimedia movement:
    1. Welcoming of Tatarstan initiative by Wikimedia Foundation staff, active International volunteers
    2. Support on the part of "Wikimedia Russia chapter" and "Wikimedia Community of Tatar language User Group"

Republic of Tatarstan InfoComm Ministry working group

Roman Shaykhutdinov
Almaz Valiullin
Anna Vasilyeva
Tatyana Kamaletdinova

Wikimedia movement ambassadors

Meeting minutes

  1. 2.08.2018
  2. 6.11.2018
  3. 7.11.2018
  4. 10.11.2018 (web-version, Proposals point by point)
  5. 6.12.2018 (comments)
  6. 21.12.2018 (web-version)



Republic of Tatarstan Presidential Administration Department for Implementation of National Policy

Danil Mustafin
Ilgiz Khalikov
Adelya Khayrullina
Ruzal Karimov

Wikimedia movement ambassadors

Abdulla Khamidullin, Farhad Fatkullin and Marat Usmanov, Dec.2015

Meeting minutes

  1. 16.07.2019 (п.8) (in Russian)
  2. 2.08.2019 (in Russian)Photoes on Commons



Republic of Tatarstan Tourism Development Center working group

Wikimedia movement ambassadors


Republic of Tatarstan Investment Development Agency working group

  • Director general of International Programs Directorate Autonomous Non-Profit Organization — Adel F. Nagumanov
  • Aide to the TIDA head — Katerina Kamolova

Wikimedia movement ambassadors



See also