Public awareness regarding children vaccination in Jordan

“…Similar to adult results, concerns about the safety and the efficacy of the vaccine were the major barriers against child vaccination. In keeping with our results, a previous study conducted in Jordan, to assesses Jordanian mothers' awareness of children vaccination in general, has been reported that ~40% of them were concerned about safety of child vaccination in general (7). In other Middle Eastern countries, concern about vaccine safety was also a major factor that prevents health care workers from recommending the vaccine for their patients (8).…”

Section: Practices Of Participants Towards Having Seasonal Influenza supporting

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“…Similar to adult results, concerns about the safety and the efficacy of the vaccine were the major barriers against child vaccination. In keeping with our results, a previous study conducted in Jordan, to assesses Jordanian mothers' awareness of children vaccination in general, has been reported that ~40% of them were concerned about safety of child vaccination in general (7). In other Middle Eastern countries, concern about vaccine safety was also a major factor that prevents health care workers from recommending the vaccine for their patients (8).…”

Section: Practices Of Participants Towards Having Seasonal Influenza supporting

“…The results of this survey revealed that the roles of both the physician and the government were also critical in increasing vaccination rate for this high-risk group. The government's role in this regard would include the incorporation of the vaccine within the national immunization program, as it has not been a scheduled vaccine for children so far (6,7). The government's role would also include assuring the population for the safety and the efficacy of the vaccine, offering the vaccine in the schools and for free.…”

Section: Practices Of Participants Towards Having Seasonal Influenza mentioning

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“…This sample size was found sufficient in previous studies carried out and sought parental knowledge in Jordan. [33,34] However, and due to time constrains as this study was part of a postgraduate thesis, a sample of 855 respondents was found enough to yield statistically significant results.…”

Section: Limitationsmentioning