Sleep Quality during Exam Stress: The Role of Alcohol, Caffeine and Nicotine

“…Even as caffeine intake has been associated with disturbed sleep and daytime sleepiness (Roehrs and Roth, 2008), in other epidemiological studies both coffee and alcohol intake had either no relevant role (Zunhammer et al, 2014), or was associated with lower risk of insomnia symptoms (Jaussent et al, 2011), possibly due more stringent sleep hygiene rules in chronic insomniacs.…”

Section: Discussionmentioning

“…Even as caffeine intake has been associated with disturbed sleep and daytime sleepiness (Roehrs and Roth, 2008), in other epidemiological studies both coffee and alcohol intake had either no relevant role (Zunhammer et al, 2014), or was associated with lower risk of insomnia symptoms (Jaussent et al, 2011), possibly due more stringent sleep hygiene rules in chronic insomniacs.…”

Section: Discussionmentioning

“…Poucos foram os estudos que tiveram como objetivo verificar a correlação entre o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e/ou cafeína em acadêmicos universitários 10,[15][16][17][18] , porém não há indícios na literatura brasileira sobre esse tema, especialmente em acadêmicos do curso de medicina. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de sono dos acadêmicos de medicina e analisar a possível correlação entre esta e o consumo de etanol e café.…”

Section: Introductionunclassified

“…Para a avaliação geral de saúde e do consumo de café, foi anexado um questionário para avaliar o Índice de Massa Corpóreo (IMC) e o consumo de cafeína. O IMC (Kg/m²) é classificado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde 26 nas seguintes categorias: Baixo peso (< 18,5), Peso Normal (18,(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)9), Sobrepeso (25-29,9), obesidade grau 1 (30 a 34,9), obesidade grau 2 (35 a 39,9) e obesidade grau 3 (≥40). A mensuração da quantidade de café foi padronizada em xícaras de 50 mL e foi questionado quantas dessas os participantes haviam consumido diariamente nos últimos 30 dias 21 .…”

Section: Introductionunclassified

“…It is not evident if students are seeking the energy drinks to calm their stress or fatigue as evidenced in literature (Pettit & DeBarr, 2011), or if students' stress levels are increasing from the consumption of the energy drinks. Lane and Williams (1985) and Zunhammer et al (2014) showed increased heart rates in resting blood pressure among participants consuming caffeine, which could be a contributor to stress levels. Lastly, 8-ounce energy drinks are typically used when combined with alcohol.…”

Section: Discussionmentioning

“…Zunhammer, Eichhammer, and Busch (2014) conducted a study looking at sleep quality and stress during exams using variables of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine consumption; perceived stress was a significant finding. Notably, caffeine drinkers showed an elevated resting blood pressure rate which can also correlate to stress (Lane & Williams, 1985;Zunhammer et al, 2014). Lastly, "a significant positive correlation was found between extroversion and introversion scores and caffeine consumption, suggesting a strong relation between extroversion and caffeine use" (Landrum & Meliska, 1985, p. 1).…”

Section: Literature Reviewmentioning