Long-chain ω-3 fatty acid intake and endometrial cancer risk in the Women’s Health Initiative

“…Inverse associations are not supported by previous studies, which have found no associations between intakes of these fatty acids and risk of endometrial cancer (16,17,29).…”

Section: Discussioncontrasting

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“…Inverse associations are not supported by previous studies, which have found no associations between intakes of these fatty acids and risk of endometrial cancer (16,17,29).…”

Section: Discussioncontrasting

“…However, in the VITAL Study, we reported 175% linear increases in endometrial cancer risk among overweight/obese women (16) which were not subsequently replicated in the much larger WHI (17). In each study, associations reported for fish intake (especially baked or broiled fish) were similar to those reported for the LC ω-3 PUFAs.…”


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