Human cranial vault thickness in a contemporary sample of 1097 autopsy cases: relation to body weight, stature, age, sex and ancestry
“… …”
Section: Methodsmentioning
“…De Boer et al [ 19 ] measured cranial vault thickness in 1097 autopsy cases. In the adult male subgroup (655 subjects), the mean thickness of frontal bone was 6.15 mm (SD 1.91 mm) .…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
“…In this study, we observed differences in bone surface texture and suture morphology between calvarium and turtle shell using stereoscopic microscopy. However, it may be difficult to identify species only using suture patterns of the calvarium because the closure of sutures is generally considered an age-related change and individual differences in surface texture and width of the calvarium have been noted 26,27) . Furthermore, compared with the carapace, which has tightly fitted sutures, it is thought that the plastron, in which the suture gaps are wider, is more likely to separate after death.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
“…2, pp. 40 50 êîðîáêè èëè ðàçìåðàìè òåëà [Smith et al, 1985;Brown, 1987Brown, , 1994De Boer et al, 2016], äðóãèå ýòó ñâÿçü îòðèöàþò [Hwang et al, 1999;Marsh, 2013]. Òî aeå êàñàåòñÿ è âîçðàñòíîé äèíàìèêè ïðèçíàêà [ñì.…”
Section: Discussionunclassified