Resting state networks in empirical and simulated dynamic functional connectivity
“…Understanding how flexible macroscopic functional architecture arises from the stable scaffold of anatomical white matter fiber tracts in the brain is a major field of inquiry in neuroscience. This has been investigated via the relationship between structural and functional connectivity (SC and FC, respectively) between brain regions in fMRI and MEG (Abdelnour, Dayan, Devinsky, Thesen, & Raj, 2018;Atasoy, Donnelly, & Pearson, 2016;Cabral et al, 2014;Damoiseaux & Greicius, 2009;Deco et al, 2013;Glomb, Ponce-Alvarez, Gilson, Ritter, & Deco, 2017;Goñi et al, 2014;Hagmann et al, 2008;Honey et al, 2009;Meier et al, 2016;Tewarie et al, 2019Tewarie et al, , 2014Vincent et al, 2007) . Concurring findings from these studies show that FC between regions of interest (ROIs)/sources located in the gray matter is in part shaped by anatomical connections of the SC, such that the strength of SC (fiber count, density) is predictive to some degree of the strength of FC (correlation, coherence, etc.)…”