Otosan - Wikipedia
- ️Fri Jan 14 2011
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Otosan (abbreviatit frae Otomobil Sanayi, Turkish for automotive industry) is a Turkish automotive production company, which is a joint venture atween Ford Motor Company an Koç Holding. It startit production in 1965, wi each company holdin a 41% share in the venture.
- 1928 – Vehbi Koç assigned as Ankara Ford dealer
- 1959 – Otosan foondit as Ford assembler in Turkey
- 1966 - Anadol automobile production stairtit.
- 1967 – Production o Transit minibus launched
- 1975 – Transit van an pick-up addit tae range
- 1977 – License agreement wi Ford signed
- 1981 - Anadol automobile production ceased.
- 1982 – İnönü plant launched truck an ingines
- 1983 – Ford assumes 11% awnership in Otosan
- 1985 - Ford Taunus production launched
- 1987 – Ford increases awnership tae 30%
- 1994 – Ford Escort production launched
- 1997 – Ford assumes 41% equity in "Ford Otosan"
- 2001 – Kocaeli plant launched wi Transit production
- 2002 – Transit Connect production launched
- 2003 – New hivy truck (Ford Cargo) introduced in September
- 2004 – Transit export launch (Miarch)
- 2006 – New Transit 34X launch (Aprile)
- Offeecial Site
- Heryerdekavar advergame Archived 2011-01-14 at the Wayback Machine
- Oner Otomotiv - Ford Otosan Archived 2019-03-15 at the Wayback Machine
- Ford Dealers Site
- Ford Otosan Archived 2019-09-17 at the Wayback Machine