Ekaterina Kislova | National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (HSE), Moscow, Russia - Academia.edu
- ️ekaterina kislova
- ️Wed Jan 28 2009
Papers by Ekaterina Kislova
The article focuses on the issue of using the Latin and “Slavensky” (that is, the combined Russia... more The article focuses on the issue of using the Latin and “Slavensky” (that is, the combined Russian and Church Slavonic) languages in primary ecclesiastical education in the 18th century. By the 1740s, seminary education in Latin had established itself in Russia. But primary teaching of reading and writing in Russian and Church Slavonic was the tradition until the end of the 18th century, regardless of where the teaching was taking place, either at home or at a Russian school affiliated with a seminary. Russian schools were organized for teaching illiterate or semiliterate children. But by the late 18th century, several seminaries attempted to reorganize “Russian schools” into ecclesiastical schools in which Russian would be the only language of instruction. Junior classes at seminaries were fully focused on teaching Latin, but Latin was by no means a complete replacement for Russian. The principal method of instruction was translation, and the administrators of many seminaries deman...
Language Choice in Enlightenment Europe, 2018
This multinational collection of essays challenges the traditional image of a monolingual Ancient... more This multinational collection of essays challenges the traditional image of a monolingual Ancient Regime in Enlightenment Europe, both East and West. Its archival research explores the important role played by selective language use in social life and in the educational provisions in the early constitution of modern society. A broad range of case studies show how language was viewed and used symbolically by social groups “ranging from the nobility to the peasantry” to develop, express, and mark their identities.
В статье публикуется текст анонимного стихотворения из рукописного сборника середины XVIII в.; ан... more В статье публикуется текст анонимного стихотворения из рукописного сборника середины XVIII в.; анализируются его жанровая природа и особенности языка. Сопоставление с публикациями описаний фейерверков последних лет правления Елизаветы Петровны позволяет сделать предположение о наиболее вероятной дате создания этого произведения и возможном круге лиц, с которыми был связан анонимный автор. Лексические особенности произведения позволяют предположить, что автор был связан с кругом И. И. Шувалова, П. И. Шувалова и М. В. Ломоносова (что подтверждается составом сборника, в котором сохранилось произведение). * Автор благодарит Е. М. Матвеева, Д. А. Сдвижкова и анонимных рецензентов за внимательное чтение статьи и ценные комментарии.
* 1 I would like to thank my former doctoral advisor, Sarah Smyth (Dublin), for providing invalua... more * 1 I would like to thank my former doctoral advisor, Sarah Smyth (Dublin), for providing invaluable insights into Andrey Stolz and also the general topic of literary stereotypes. I am also indebted to my doctoral readers, Justin Doherty (Dublin) and Joe Andrew (Keele), and to my anonymous reviewers at Slověne for their valuable critiques and the additional sources they suggested for the fi nal draft of this article.
This paper studies the change in the position of the Polish language and Polish literature in ecc... more This paper studies the change in the position of the Polish language and Polish literature in ecclesiastical educational institutions in 18th-century Russia using published and archival documents. The circulation of Polish books in the libraries of church hierarchs and seminaries in the first half of the century gradually stopped by the end of the century, while in ecclesiastical educational institutions on Ukrainian territory Polish remained in use. In Russian seminaries, the lack of Polish teaching led to its exclusion from courses in rhetoric and poetics, among other subjects; in these courses, Russian authors (first of all, Lomonosov) gradually took the position of model authors.
In eighteenth-century Russia, Latin was the main language of tuition in Church seminaries and the... more In eighteenth-century Russia, Latin was the main language of tuition in Church seminaries and the grammatical approach played a very important role. In schools for nobility, the word ‘grammar’ was hardly used for living languages. Early grammar teaching was combined with translation, dialogue memorization, reading, etc. The shift in focus towards more grammar in French and German classes had likely begun by the middle of the century, and was related to the general proliferation of the grammatical approach. A greater emphasis was placed on analysing grammatical form. These changes mark a shift away from the syncretic language learning approach of the Age of Enlightenment towards a new age characterised by the increasing separation of the aspects of language learning and the erosion of the links between them.
ВИВЛIОθИКА: E-Journal of Eighteenth-Century Russian Studies, 2013
«Французский и немецкий языки в духовном образовании 18 века» Изучение функционирования европейск... more «Французский и немецкий языки в духовном образовании 18 века» Изучение функционирования европейских языков в русском обществе XVIII в. в настоящее время пользуется вниманием исследователей, однако во всех этих работах внимание сосредоточено на функционировании иностранных языков в светском обществе. Специальных работ, посвященных изучению и употреблению французского и немецкого языков в духовной среде, до настоящего времени не было. Некоторую информацию можно почерпнуть из работ по истории церкви, работ по истории духовного образования и описаний духовных учебных заведений, преимущественно изданных в 19 веке, изучения архивных фондов семинарий, однако отдельным предметом исследования языковая компетенция духовных лиц до нынешнего времени не являлась. В статье рассматривается история преподавания французского и немецкого языков в церковной среде 18 века. На основе опубликованных и архивных источников автор анализирует цели и задачи введения этих языков в духовное образование, историю распространения преподавания европейских языков, описывает сам процесс преподавания языков в семинариях (кто и каким образом обучал и обучался языкам, какие методики были задействованы и какие результаты были достигнуты). Приведенные в статье данные свидетельствуют о том, что некоторая часть священно-и церковнослужителей 18 века получала в семинариях достаточно серьезное образование и приобретала хорошие познания в иностранных языках. Конечно, качественное духовное образование не было массовым, однако реальное состояние духовенства в 18 веке все-таки разительно отличается от того образа необразованных и полуграмотных людей, который складывался на протяжении 18-20 веков. * Ce travail a été réalisé avec le soutien du Conseil des Subventions du Président de la Fédération de Russie pour le soutien aux jeunes chercheurs russes (
Slovene, 2015
The article focuses on the issue of using the Latin and “Slavensky” (that is, the combined Russia... more The article focuses on the issue of using the Latin and “Slavensky” (that is, the combined Russian and Church Slavonic) languages in primary ecclesiastical education in the 18th century. By the 1740s, seminary education in Latin had established itself in Russia. But primary teaching of reading and writing in Russian and Church Slavonic was the tradition until the end of the 18th century, regardless of where the teaching was taking place, either at home or at a Russian school affiliated with a seminary. Russian schools were organized for teaching illiterate or semiliterate children. But by the late 18th century, several seminaries attempted to reorganize “Russian schools” into ecclesiastical schools in which Russian would be the only language of instruction. Junior classes at seminaries were fully focused on teaching Latin, but Latin was by no means a complete replacement for Russian. The principal method of instruction was translation, and the administrators of many seminaries deman...
Slovene, 2014
This paper is devoted to the question of the spread of court sermons in 18th-century Russian soci... more This paper is devoted to the question of the spread of court sermons in 18th-century Russian society. The author describes three types that had been formed by the 1740s: court, seminary, and parish homilies. The main question is how and by what means did the court homilies in Elizabeth Petrovna’s time spread the cultural models, thoughts, and ideas created by court preachers throughout Russian society as a whole? Did these texts penetrate traditional culture and how were they adopted? Who read the court sermons, apart from members of the court? To answer these questions, the author describes how court homilies were published and sold, and how they entered the manuscript tradition. The analysis of archival and published materials allows the author to conclude that in the second half of the 18th century, the court sermon was only beginning to penetrate the “traditional” culture. The genre spread primarily in the seminaries, where texts by court preachers functioned as a “library” of p...
The article focuses on the issue of using the Latin and “Slavensky” (that is, the combined Russia... more The article focuses on the issue of using the Latin and “Slavensky” (that is, the combined Russian and Church Slavonic) languages in primary ecclesiastical education in the 18th century. By the 1740s, seminary education in Latin had established itself in Russia. But primary teaching of reading and writing in Russian and Church Slavonic was the tradition until the end of the 18th century, regardless of where the teaching was taking place, either at home or at a Russian school affiliated with a seminary. Russian schools were organized for teaching illiterate or semiliterate children. But by the late 18th century, several seminaries attempted to reorganize “Russian schools” into ecclesiastical schools in which Russian would be the only language of instruction. Junior classes at seminaries were fully focused on teaching Latin, but Latin was by no means a complete replacement for Russian. The principal method of instruction was translation, and the administrators of many seminaries deman...
Language Choice in Enlightenment Europe, 2018
This multinational collection of essays challenges the traditional image of a monolingual Ancient... more This multinational collection of essays challenges the traditional image of a monolingual Ancient Regime in Enlightenment Europe, both East and West. Its archival research explores the important role played by selective language use in social life and in the educational provisions in the early constitution of modern society. A broad range of case studies show how language was viewed and used symbolically by social groups “ranging from the nobility to the peasantry” to develop, express, and mark their identities.
В статье публикуется текст анонимного стихотворения из рукописного сборника середины XVIII в.; ан... more В статье публикуется текст анонимного стихотворения из рукописного сборника середины XVIII в.; анализируются его жанровая природа и особенности языка. Сопоставление с публикациями описаний фейерверков последних лет правления Елизаветы Петровны позволяет сделать предположение о наиболее вероятной дате создания этого произведения и возможном круге лиц, с которыми был связан анонимный автор. Лексические особенности произведения позволяют предположить, что автор был связан с кругом И. И. Шувалова, П. И. Шувалова и М. В. Ломоносова (что подтверждается составом сборника, в котором сохранилось произведение). * Автор благодарит Е. М. Матвеева, Д. А. Сдвижкова и анонимных рецензентов за внимательное чтение статьи и ценные комментарии.
* 1 I would like to thank my former doctoral advisor, Sarah Smyth (Dublin), for providing invalua... more * 1 I would like to thank my former doctoral advisor, Sarah Smyth (Dublin), for providing invaluable insights into Andrey Stolz and also the general topic of literary stereotypes. I am also indebted to my doctoral readers, Justin Doherty (Dublin) and Joe Andrew (Keele), and to my anonymous reviewers at Slověne for their valuable critiques and the additional sources they suggested for the fi nal draft of this article.
This paper studies the change in the position of the Polish language and Polish literature in ecc... more This paper studies the change in the position of the Polish language and Polish literature in ecclesiastical educational institutions in 18th-century Russia using published and archival documents. The circulation of Polish books in the libraries of church hierarchs and seminaries in the first half of the century gradually stopped by the end of the century, while in ecclesiastical educational institutions on Ukrainian territory Polish remained in use. In Russian seminaries, the lack of Polish teaching led to its exclusion from courses in rhetoric and poetics, among other subjects; in these courses, Russian authors (first of all, Lomonosov) gradually took the position of model authors.
In eighteenth-century Russia, Latin was the main language of tuition in Church seminaries and the... more In eighteenth-century Russia, Latin was the main language of tuition in Church seminaries and the grammatical approach played a very important role. In schools for nobility, the word ‘grammar’ was hardly used for living languages. Early grammar teaching was combined with translation, dialogue memorization, reading, etc. The shift in focus towards more grammar in French and German classes had likely begun by the middle of the century, and was related to the general proliferation of the grammatical approach. A greater emphasis was placed on analysing grammatical form. These changes mark a shift away from the syncretic language learning approach of the Age of Enlightenment towards a new age characterised by the increasing separation of the aspects of language learning and the erosion of the links between them.
ВИВЛIОθИКА: E-Journal of Eighteenth-Century Russian Studies, 2013
«Французский и немецкий языки в духовном образовании 18 века» Изучение функционирования европейск... more «Французский и немецкий языки в духовном образовании 18 века» Изучение функционирования европейских языков в русском обществе XVIII в. в настоящее время пользуется вниманием исследователей, однако во всех этих работах внимание сосредоточено на функционировании иностранных языков в светском обществе. Специальных работ, посвященных изучению и употреблению французского и немецкого языков в духовной среде, до настоящего времени не было. Некоторую информацию можно почерпнуть из работ по истории церкви, работ по истории духовного образования и описаний духовных учебных заведений, преимущественно изданных в 19 веке, изучения архивных фондов семинарий, однако отдельным предметом исследования языковая компетенция духовных лиц до нынешнего времени не являлась. В статье рассматривается история преподавания французского и немецкого языков в церковной среде 18 века. На основе опубликованных и архивных источников автор анализирует цели и задачи введения этих языков в духовное образование, историю распространения преподавания европейских языков, описывает сам процесс преподавания языков в семинариях (кто и каким образом обучал и обучался языкам, какие методики были задействованы и какие результаты были достигнуты). Приведенные в статье данные свидетельствуют о том, что некоторая часть священно-и церковнослужителей 18 века получала в семинариях достаточно серьезное образование и приобретала хорошие познания в иностранных языках. Конечно, качественное духовное образование не было массовым, однако реальное состояние духовенства в 18 веке все-таки разительно отличается от того образа необразованных и полуграмотных людей, который складывался на протяжении 18-20 веков. * Ce travail a été réalisé avec le soutien du Conseil des Subventions du Président de la Fédération de Russie pour le soutien aux jeunes chercheurs russes (
Slovene, 2015
The article focuses on the issue of using the Latin and “Slavensky” (that is, the combined Russia... more The article focuses on the issue of using the Latin and “Slavensky” (that is, the combined Russian and Church Slavonic) languages in primary ecclesiastical education in the 18th century. By the 1740s, seminary education in Latin had established itself in Russia. But primary teaching of reading and writing in Russian and Church Slavonic was the tradition until the end of the 18th century, regardless of where the teaching was taking place, either at home or at a Russian school affiliated with a seminary. Russian schools were organized for teaching illiterate or semiliterate children. But by the late 18th century, several seminaries attempted to reorganize “Russian schools” into ecclesiastical schools in which Russian would be the only language of instruction. Junior classes at seminaries were fully focused on teaching Latin, but Latin was by no means a complete replacement for Russian. The principal method of instruction was translation, and the administrators of many seminaries deman...
Slovene, 2014
This paper is devoted to the question of the spread of court sermons in 18th-century Russian soci... more This paper is devoted to the question of the spread of court sermons in 18th-century Russian society. The author describes three types that had been formed by the 1740s: court, seminary, and parish homilies. The main question is how and by what means did the court homilies in Elizabeth Petrovna’s time spread the cultural models, thoughts, and ideas created by court preachers throughout Russian society as a whole? Did these texts penetrate traditional culture and how were they adopted? Who read the court sermons, apart from members of the court? To answer these questions, the author describes how court homilies were published and sold, and how they entered the manuscript tradition. The analysis of archival and published materials allows the author to conclude that in the second half of the 18th century, the court sermon was only beginning to penetrate the “traditional” culture. The genre spread primarily in the seminaries, where texts by court preachers functioned as a “library” of p...
Научно-популярная лекция о придворной и непридворной проповеди в 18 веке.
Фестиваль науки в МГУ,... more Научно-популярная лекция о придворной и непридворной проповеди в 18 веке.
Фестиваль науки в МГУ, октябрь 2014 года.
Видеозапись доклада на научной конференции «Грамотность и образованность как явления и понятия в ... more Видеозапись доклада на научной конференции «Грамотность и образованность как явления и понятия в России XVIII века» в Центре источниковедения Факультета гуманитарных наук НИУ ВШЭ.
Презентация к докладу по ссылке: https://yadi.sk/i/OQ08k6ahhB8rG
Slovene_№ 2_2023, 2023
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From 6-8 September 2016, the 20th Annual International Academic Conference of the Polyslav Associ... more From 6-8 September 2016, the 20th Annual International Academic Conference of the Polyslav Association (Polyslav XX) was held in Moscow (Russia). This jubilee conference was co-organized by the Moscow State Pedagogical University and the Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Polyslav XX was attended by 37 participants from eight countries - most of them from Russia and Poland, but also from the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Serbia, and Ukraine.
The present proceedings contain 20 papers in four Slavic languages (Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, and Slovene), two in English, and one in German. All 23 contributions meet the basic publishing standards and international editorial conventions, including a double-blind review. In total, 29 reviewers from Europe and the USA guarantee the academic level of the published papers.
This volume includes 36 papers presented at the 19th conference of the Association of Slavists (P... more This volume includes 36 papers presented at the 19th conference of the Association of Slavists (Polyslav) held in Warsaw in September 2015. The papers deal with a wide range of issues concerning several Slavic languages (Church Slavonic, Czech, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Ukrainian, etc.).
Serbs write their language in Cyrillic or Latin letters in seemingly random distribution. Hindi-U... more Serbs write their language in Cyrillic or Latin letters in seemingly random distribution. Hindi-Urdu is written in Nāgarī by Hindus and in the Arabic script by Muslims. In medieval Scandinavia the Latin alphabet, ink and parchment were used for texts ‘for eternity’, whereas ephemeral messages were carved into wood in runes. The Occitan language has two competing orthographies. German texts were set either in blackletter or in roman type between 1749 and 1941. In Ancient Egypt the distribution of hieroglyphs, hieratic and demotic was much more complex than commonly assumed. Chinese is written with traditional and simplified characters in different countries. This collective monograph, which includes contributions from eleven specialists in different philological areas, for the first time develops a coherent typological model on the basis of sociolinguistic and graphematic criteria to describe and classify these and many other linguistic situations in which two or more writing systems are used simultaneously for one and the same language.