Race, ethnicity, gender, & class : the sociology of group conflict and change | WorldCat.org
About the author
An introduction to the study of minority groups in the United States
Diversity in the United States : questions and concepts
Assimilation and pluralism : from immigrants to white ethnics
Prejudice and discrimination
The evolution of dominant-minority relations in the United States
The development of dominant-minority group relations in preindustrial America : the origins of slavery
Industrialization and dominant-minority relations : from slavery to segregation and the coming of postindustrial society
Understanding dominant-minority relations in the United States today
African Americans
Native Americans : from conquest to survival in a postindustrial society
Hispanic Americans : colonization, immigration, and ethnic enclaves
Asian Americans : model minorities?
New Americans, immigration, assimilation, and old challenges
Other groups, other patterns
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual Americans
Dominant-minority relations in a cross-national perspective
Challenges for the present and the future
Minority groups and U.S. society : themes, patterns, and the future