ACT for gender identity : the comprehensive guide |

1. Introduction: Storm cloud butterflies

2. Gender affirmative ACT

Gender and relational frame theory

Gender and functional contextualism

Translating gender

Translating sexuality

Translating intersectionality

The mindful clinician

3. Awareness

Gender fusion and the agenda of emotional control

Mindfulness and the observational self

4. Acceptance

Presenting creative hopelessness

Presenting emotional acceptance

Accepting dysphoria: Schrödinger's gender

Accepting gender: defusing fear and denial

Accepting kids: mindful parenthood

Accepting teens: Relational frame theory meets relational-cultural theory

Accepting adults: defusing cissexism and inadequacy

5. Actualization

Identifying values and defusing gender roles

Value-congruent action and the ACT matrix

Value integration

Value-congruent disclosure

Value-congruent expression

Value-congruent self-actualization

6. Adaptation

Old stories and new resources: ACT for risk-taking behavior

Befriending bodies: ACT for body dysmorphia

Driving dazed: ACT for dissociation

Hedgehogs and butterflies: ACT for anxiety and trauma

The velvet cage: ACT for depression

Building bridges: ACT for suicidal ideation

7. Affirmation

Rolling dice: defusing social roles

Spiral in and spiral out: lovers, partners, and abusers

The affection effect: relationship norms

Family fusion: family of origin and choice

Occupational chess: Gender, academia, and the workplace

Health, stealth, and hospitals: Gender affirmative medicine

Legacy and life: ACT for gender variant seniors

Epilogue: O moths and meaning