British women travellers : empire and beyond, 1770-1870 |

On the Continent, framing "Britishness". Colonising the French : Elizabeth Inchbald's cultural appropriation / Ben P. Robertson

Views of an "overthrown" kingdom : Britishness and otherness in The Spanish journal of Elizabeth Holland / Antonio Calvo Maturana

Roman monuments, ruins and remains : British women travellers' perception of historical heritage in the early 19th century / Barbara Tetti

On terrains of the other empire : Mary Holderness' account of her residence in early 19th-century Crimea / Nataliia Voloshkova

In the Colonies, defining "non-British". The politics of feasting : Janet Schaw's sensory experience of the West Indies / Georgina Elisabeth Munn

Creating a "more popular work" : the lasting influence of Maria Graham's Journal of a residence in India (1812) / Lacy Marschalk

The Memsahibs' gaze : representation of the Zenana in India / Sutapa Dutta

Gossip, mosquitos, and "well-made" men : Isabella Fane's vision of colonial India / Shannon Derby

"Servant of the cross" : identity, travel and colonial culture in the letters of Mary Moffat in South Africa / Michelle Adler

An "honorary man" in the Holy Land? : Mary Eliza Rogers, gender, and British Protestant imperialism / Sarah Irving

In the settler colonies, furthering the "Other" British. "English, yet essentially un-English" : female constructions of imperial belonging in Melbourne, 1850-1870 / Sophie Cooper

In search of the romantic aesthetic : British women travellers in 19th-century America / Justyna Fruzińska

Carriage and canoe : the material vessels of Anna Brownell Jameson's voyage in upper Canada / Sophie Anne Edwards