Stalingrad to Berlin : the German defeat in the east |
xiv, 549 pages : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 26 cm
9780880290593, 0880290595
Invasion! Retreat Stalingrad: the encirclement Stalingrad: the turning point The countermarch The Center and the North Operation Zitadelle The first Soviet summer offensive The battle for the Dnepr Line The rising tide Offensives on both flanks: the South Flank Offensives on both flanks: the North Flank Paying the piper The collapse of the Center The South Flank Retreat and encirclement Defeat in the North The January offensive The defense of the Reich Berlin Conclusion APPENDIX: A: Table of equivalent ranks Comparative sizes of major commands
Large 8vo Document for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, cloth, $4.50