Lyrical and critical essays |

pt. I. Lyrical essays. The wrong side and the right side (L'envers et L'endroit), 1937 : Preface, 1958 ; Irony ; Between yes and no ; Death in the soul ; Love of life ; The wrong side and the right side

Nuptials (Noces), 1938 : Nuptials at Tipasa ; The wind at Djemila ; Summer in Algiers ; The desert

Summer (L'eté), 1954 : The minotaur, or The stopping in Oran ; The almond trees ; Prometheus in the underworld ; A short guide to towns without a past ; Helen's exile ; The enigma ; Return to Tipasa ; The sea close by

The rains of New York

pt. II. Critical essays. The new Mediterranean culture

On Jean-Paul Sartre's La nausée

On Sartre's Le mur and other stories

On Ignazio Silone's Bread and wine

Intelligence and the scaffold

Portrait of a chosen man

On a philosophy of expression by Brice Parain

On Jules Roy's La vallée heureuse

Encounters with André Gide

Roger Martin du Gard

Herman Melville

On the future of tragedy

William Faulkner : Foreword to Requiem for a nun, 1957 ; On Faulkner ; Excerpts from three interviews

René Char

On Jean Grenier's Les iles

pt. III. Camus on himself. Preface to The stranger, 1956

Letter to Roland Barthes on The plague

Letter to P.B

Three interviews : No, I am not an existentialist ; Encounter with Albert Camus ; Replies to Jean-Claude Brisville