Migration of freshwater fishes | WorldCat.org
CH36;1 Migration and Spatial Behaviour
146;1 Introduction
146;2 Fish migration 8211; from phenomenology to functional biology
146;246;1 Environment45;related criteria and definitions
146;246;2 Diadromy and types of diadromous migrations
146;246;3 Superimposed migratory patterns58; added complexity or just simple adaptive responses63;
146;246;4 From adaptation to the migration continuum concept58; do scale and salinity matter when defining migration63;
146;246;5 From the restricted movement paradigm towards a general definition of migration
CH36;2 The Stimulus and Capacity for Migration
246;1 Introduction
246;2 Stimuli for migration
246;246;1 Internal factors
246;246;2 External factors
246;3 The capacity for migration
246;346;1 Overview of muscle structure and function
246;346;2 Swimming performance58; how fast can a fish swim63;
246;346;3 Relationships between swimming speed and endurance
246;346;4 A metabolic approach to swimming costs
246;346;5 How far can a fish migrate63;
246;346;6 Constraints on early and late migrants
246;346;7 Implications of migration costs on size at first sexual maturity58; when time matters
246;346;8 A tentative synthesis and conclusion
246;4 Piloting44; orientation and navigation
246;446;1 Landmarks and surface topography
246;446;2 Celestial cues
246;446;3 Currents
246;446;4 Electric and magnetic fields
246;446;5 Olfaction and gustation
246;446;6 Other cues
246;446;7 Homing44; memory and imprinting
CH36;3 Types of Migration
346;1 Introduction
346;2 Migrations at the seasonal and ontogenetic scale
346;246;1 Feeding migrations
346;246;2 Refuge45;seeking migrations
346;246;3 Spawning migrations
346;246;4 Post45;displacement movements44; recolonisation and exploratory migration
346;3 Diel horizontal and vertical migrations
CH36;4 Effects of Climate on Patterns of Migratory Behaviour
446;1 Introduction
446;2 Arctic and subarctic regions
446;3 Temperate regions
446;4 Tropical regions
446;446;1 Introduction
446;446;2 Setting the scene58; what makes tropical freshwater systems similar or different to those of temperate areas63;
446;446;3 Infiuences of predation pressure on fish migrations
446;446;4 Infiuence of dissolved oxygen on fish migrations
446;446;5 Other environmental factors shaping habitat use and seasonal migrations
446;446;6 Life history44; breeding systems and migration patterns of tropical fish
446;446;7 Conclusion
CH36;5 Taxonomic Analysis of Migration in Freshwater Fishes
546;1 Introduction
546;2 Lampreys 40;Petromyzontidae41;
546;3 Sharks and rays 40;Elasmobranchii41;
546;4 Sturgeons 40;Acipenseridae41;
546;5 Paddlefishes 40;Polyodontidae41;
546;6 Gars 40;Lepisosteidae41; and bowfins 40;Amiidae41;
546;7 Bonytongues44; mooneyes44; featherfin knifefishes44; elephant fishes 40;Osteoglossiformes41;
546;8 Tenpounders and tarpons 40;Elopiformes41;
546;9 Freshwater eels 40;Anguillidae41;
546;10 Anchovies44; shads44; herrings and menhaden 40;Clupeiformes41;
546;11 M