Evolution : the first four billion years | WorldCat.org
An introduction to evolutionary biology, with sixteen essays about the history and philosophy of the field, related empirical and theoretical questions about topics such as speciation, adaptation, and development, and articles on important figures, social and political issues, and related religious topics
Print Book, English, 2009
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2009
xii, 979 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
9780674031753, 9780674062214, 067403175X, 0674062213
* Foreword Edward O. Wilson * Introduction Michael Ruse and Joseph Travis * The History of Evolutionary Thought Michael Ruse * The Origin of Life Jeffrey L. Bada and Antonio Lazcano * Paleontology and the History of Life Michael Benton * Adaptation Joseph Travis and David Reznick * Molecular Evolution Francisco J. Ayala * Evolution of the Genome Brian Charlesworth and Deborah Charlesworth * The Pattern and Process of Speciation Margaret B. Ptacek and Shala J. Hankison * Evolution and Development Gregory A. Wray * Social Behavior and Sociobiology Daniel I. Rubenstein * Human Evolution Henry M. McHenry * Evolutionary Biology of Disease Michael F. Antolin and Darwinian Medicine * Beyond the Darwinian Paradigm: Understanding Biological Forms Brian Goodwin * Philosophy of Evolutionary Thought Kim Sterelny * Evolution and Society Manfred D. Laubichler and Jane Maienschein * American Antievolutionism: Retrospect and Prospect Eugenie C. Scott * Alphabetical Guide * Contributors * Index