G-strings and sympathy : strip club regulars and male desire |

XXX, 331 Seiten

9780822329817, 9780822329725, 0822329816, 0822329727


Acknowledgments ixPreface: Skin Brings Men xiiiPart One Chapter 1 Observing the Observers: Methods and Themes 1Chapter 2 Laurelton and Its Strip Clubs: The Historical, Physical, and Social Terrain 39Part Two Interlude: Strawberries (fiction) 79Chapter 3 Just Trying to Relax: Masculinity, Touristic Practice, and the Idiosyncrasies of Power 85Chapter 4 The Pursuit of the Fantasy Penis: Bodies, Desires, and Ambiguities 121Part Three Interlude: Fakes (fiction) 159Chapter 5 "I'm Not Like the Other Guys": Claims to Authentic Experience 173Chapter 6 Hustlers, Pros, and the Girl Next Door: Social Class, Race, and the Consumption of the Authentic Female Body 203Part Four Interlude: The Management of Hunger (fiction) 231Chapter 7 The Crowded Bedroom: Marriage, Monogamy, and Fantasy 241Chapter 8 Disciplining Erotic Practice 273Appendix 281Notes 285Bibliography 311Index 327