Politics, society, and democracy. The Case of Spain |

The lynx and the stork / Amando de Miguel

Spain : a recurrent theme for Juan Linz / Manuel Gómez-Reino, Francisco A. Orizo, and Darío Vila Carro

Juan Linz's contribution to political science in Spain / Miguel Jerez Mir

A comparative analysis of workers' movements in Spain and Italy / Edward Malefakis

The theory and reality of the authoritarian regime, thirty years later / José Cazorla

The role of Juan Carlos I in the consolidation of parliamentary monarchy / Joel Podolny

The business sector and political change in Spain / Robert E. Martinez

Revisiting democratic success / José Ramón Montero

'Conflicto en Euskadi' revisited / Francisco J. Llera

Divergent paths / Robert M. Fishman

The seventeen Spains / Miguel Beltrán

The integration of immigrants in an industrialized society / Carlota Solé

The politics of health policy reform in Spain / Jesús de Miguel and Josep A. Rodríguez

Socioeconomic issues and the Catholic Church in Spain / Pedro González Blasco and Juan de Dios González-Anleo