A new history of early Christianity |

Part one: Beginnings. A trial ; The seedbed : Judaism in the first century AD ; Jesus before the Gospels ; Breaking away : the first Christianities ; What did Paul achieve? ; The letter to the Hebrews ; Fifty years on : the Gospel writers reflect on Jesus ; John and the Jerusalem Christians ; Creating a New Testament ; No second coming : the search for stability

Part two: Becoming Christian. Toeholds in a wider empire ; Open borders : the overlapping worlds of Christians and Jews ; Was there a gnostic challenge? ; The idea of a church ; To compromise or reject : confronting the material world

Interlude one: the earliest Christian art

Celsus confronts the Christians

The challenge of Greek philosophy

Origen and early Christian scholarship

New beginnings : the emergence of a Latin Christianity

Victims or volunteers : Christian martyrs

The spread of Christian communities

Part three: The imperial church. The motives of Constantine ; Debating the nature of God ; The stifling of Christian diversity ; The assault on paganism ; 'No one is honoured before him' : the rise of the bishop

Interlude two: the art of imperial Christianity

An obsession with the flesh

The end of optimism : Augustine and the consequences of sin

Divine but human

The closing of the schools

A fragile church : Christianity and the collapse of the western empire

Faith, certainty, and the unknown God