Selected essays and reviews |

Dr. Williams's Paterson

Stevens as essayist

Write little; do it well

Without the inventions of sorrow

To fashion the transitory

The closest permissible approximation

Poets without prophecy

Multiple disguises

Pursy Windhum Lucigen

Upon which to rejoice

Ezra Pound and the great style

Materials from life

Delmore, 1913-1966

A meaning of Robert Lowell

A turn in the rhyme

Melancholy monument

Spenser and his modern critics

The writer's situation

A focus, a crown

Poet of civility

Seriousness and the inner poem

Fallacies of silence

A location of J.V. Cunningham

Robert Frost

The sun's progeny

Italian sensibility

Pact of blood

The question of poetic form

The act of love : poetry and personality

The man in the box at Walden

Our man in Twit'nam

Three notes on the versewriting of Alexander Pope

Chants, oracles, body-rhythms

The spirit of Lo Lenga d'òc

Notes on meter

Notes on metaphor

With respect to the infuriating pervasiveness of optimism

Paul Goodman and the grand community

Richard Hugo

David Ignatow

Tom McGrath is harvesting the snow

The blues as poetry

Mystery and expressiveness

Duncan's dream

What does organic mean


Emily Dickinson's unexpectedness

Essays for Wendell

James Laughlin

The nature of art

Further note on Lear

God sniffed and said